Monday, February 11, 2019

Shao Shan Temple Cemetery Report

2018 was a significant year for Shao Shan Temple Cemetery. There were numerous grounds and landscaping improvements, a record number of lots purchased, and a maturing of the Shao Shan Temple Cemetery organization.

There is now a granite pagoda installed in the center of the Ceremonial Oval. Prior to September 2018, the center of this space was temporarily held with various objects and poles that did not last. Now a four-foot granite Rokkaku Yukumi, traditionally known as a "snow viewing lantern," contributes to the dignity and peacefulness of the cemetery.
A Communal Shrine was constructed and landscaped with a small surrounding garden. The Communal Shrine will allow interment in Shao Shan Temple Cemetery without an individual lot and memorial stone. The first interment in this new Communal Shrine occurred this past summer.

Also this past summer, granite corner posts were installed to mark the corners of the entire cemetery property and smaller posts installed to outline the ceremonial circle. Additional rhododendrons were added to the landscaping.

In 2018, a number of Shao Shan Temple sangha members either paid for or reserved with a down payment an individual cemetery lot. There were ten lots sold or reserved this past year, compared with seven lots total prior to 2018.

As Shao Shan Temple Cemetery has become more established, it has become evident that to ensure the cemetery’s longevity it is necessary to have multiple people aware of how the cemetery functions rather than leaving all of the information in Kenzan’s hands. This past fall was the first meeting of the newly formed Cemetery Committee. Thanks to Peter Burke and Susan Calza for agreeing to serve on this Committee.