Tuesday, January 25, 2022

January Zazenkai (one day meditation retreat)

Sunday, January 23rd, was a well-attended online 1/2 day meditation retreat (Zazenkai).  

We joined together online supporting one another in a morning of intensive practice. The day's program included opening & closing ceremonies, zazen(sitting meditation), kinhin(walking meditation). 

 As has become tradition for January Zazenkais, the Dharma Talk was on Shao Shan Temple's New Year's Greeting message.   Rev. Kenzan spoke on "Nurturing Ground".  A version of this Dharma Talk will be in a future newsletter.

The opening ceremony included a brief memorial for Thich Nhat Hanh, as we honor and remember this great Zen Teacher who has been such a positive influence for so many.

Friday, January 21, 2022

January Introduction to Shao Shan Temple

Thursday evening, January 20th, was an online "Introduction to Shao Shan Temple" program.  This program offers an overview of the Temple, history, programs offered, an introduction to meditation and the opportunity to ask questions.  Susan-Doshin joined as sangha (Temple community) representative and 8 new people participated.

We have been alternating between weekend & weekday evening. The next Introduction to Shao Shan program will be Sunday, March 6th at 10am.  It is already possible to register! Register.

Friday, January 14, 2022

Bodhisattva Precept Ceremony

On Sunday, January 9th, 2022, Chauntelle Eckhaus, Jesse Lubold and Randy Henson received the first five Bodhisattva precepts and made their commitment to a Buddhist way of life.

This ceremony was an occasion for the families and friends of those receiving the precepts and Sangha members to join together in support of the commitment that Chauntelle, Jesse and Randy are entering.   This year the ceremony was "hybrid" with most people joining online.

Thanks to all who joined in a spirit of renewal and intentions which support a life beneficial for all. 

Monday, January 10, 2022

Snow animals - children's program

 For January's Children's Program, we shared our names and something we've appreciated about the natural world, such as the new coating of snow, lots of animal tracks and signs, and the way the winter light shines through dust particles in a room. 

We then read and acted out the book Over and Under the Snow, written by Kate Messner and illustrated by Christopher Silas Neal. In the book a child takes off on a cross country ski adventure through the woods with their father. The child notices a red squirrel, who quickly darts below the snow, opening up an entire animal world just beyond our awareness, but very much a part of our world. The child encounters a great horned owl, deer tracks, a hunting fox, and a fire with hot chocolate and marshmallows above the snow, while we also learn about the moles, voles, mice, bullfrogs, beavers, bears, and other creatures all burrowed just beneath us. 

We then practiced a cozy hibernation meditation, listened to the sound of the Temple bell, and closed with a group OM.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Bowing Week - January 3-7

 As we have sometimes done in January at Shao Shan Temple, this past week was "Bowing Week".  We began every morning with 108 bows before the usual 7am morning program (bowing also being an online program).  With each bow chanting "Namu Kie Butsu", "Namu Kie Ho", "Namu Kie So".  

We began each bowing session with this chant from Thich Nhat Hahn:

Touching the Earth

The one who bows and the one who is bowed to are both by nature, empty.
Therefore the communication between them is inexpressibly perfect.
Our practice is within the Net of Indra, reflecting all Buddhas everywhere,
and my own person reflects in all Buddhas, 
to whom with myh whole life I go for refuge.

On the Bowing Practice -  by Chogetsu-Donna

 I was glad to join the Temple in 108 bows on early dark cold mornings this past week. As dark and light smooth stones were slid from one side to the other by Kenzan to keep count, we at home would bring our bodies down, heads to the earth, hands open. These, to me, are the receiving gestures.  The chant pours forth from heart and throat. This, with lifted forearms, feels like my offering of intention.   As I struggled this year with some hand-related physical challenges, the Temple encouraged me to create a practice that was workable.  This turned into a blessing, as I explored options and felt compassion for all Beings who in the past, during this week, and in the future, here and around the world, met the challenges of the body in their spiritual practice.  

Monday, January 3, 2022

New Year's Eve 2022

Shao Shan Temple observed the New Year's Eve of 2022 
with both an early-evening in-person ceremony 
and a later-evening online ceremony.

The in-person New Year's Eve began with meditation, followed by a time for a "personal year review" - reflecting on the past year and what we wish to continue and what we wish to refrain from.  A vigorous Heart Sutra with drum accompanied people offering incense after which we proceeded to the outside fire circle.  Despite the rain, light refreshments were enjoyed outdoors under a pop-up shelter.

The online New Year's Eve was meditation followed by a ceremony including a 2021 Shao Shan Slideshow, ringing of bells, contemplating the passing of time, "touching the earth", and several readings.