Sunday, January 31, 2021

Teen Program - meditation and mindfulness

Today's first online teen program introduced meditation and mindfulness, as we explored together sitting meditation, walking meditation, loving-kindness meditation and eating meditation.  

Noah leading walking meditation


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Inauguration Day well-being ceremony

We joined together on inauguration day for a brief ceremony to attend to the new American president's vow in a prayerful context (as we also did in 2017). In accord with our highest principles and values, we invited all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to support the safety and well-being of our country and the world.

May the penetrating light of wisdom dispel the darkness of illusion.
May all harmful karma be dissolved and the mind flower bloom in eternal spring.
May our sangha and communities be peaceful and harmonious.
May the citizens of our land be safe and content.
May our nation’s leaders be filled with goodness, wisdom and courage.
May peace prevail in our communities.
May peace prevail in the nation.
May peace prevail on earth.
May our joyful practice radiate a vast and compassionate mind for all beings.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Winter Sesshin (meditation retreat)

This past weekend, January 16&17, was Shao Shan Temple's online Winter Sesshin (Meditation Retreat).  Without the need to drive to participate, we sat embraced in the quiet of the weekend-long snowstorm.  The sesshin included blocks of sitting & walking meditation and a Dharma Talk by Rev. Taihaku encouraging us that our sitting practice can be a positive engaged activity which effects our current world.


Monday, January 11, 2021

Animals in winter - children's program


For this month's Children's Program, we shared our experiences of the natural world in winter, such as the increasing daylight, fluffy snow, barred owl sightings, and animal tracks. We then read and acted out the book Bear Has a Story to Tell by Philip and Erin Stead. The book starts in the autumn, as various animals are preparing for winter. A sleepy Bear is excited to tell his story to his animal friends, all of whom are busy with their winter preparation tasks, and thus don't have time to hear Bear's story. In each instance Bear quietly helps them with their task before moving on. Finally Bear succumbs to winter torpor and falls asleep. In the springtime Bear once again is reunited with his animal friends, who are now ready to hear Bear's story, which he has now forgotten. With the help of his friends, Bear then recollects the story of his adventures. While we all have many good stories to tell, perhaps we can learn from Bear to live our stories through acts of kindness. We ended our time together with a "hibernation meditation" and the ringing of the Big Bell.
Bear helping frog 

Each participant shared something they've noticed about nature lately

Sunday, January 3, 2021

January Introduction to Shao Shan


Sunday, January 3rd, was our fourth online "Introduction to Shao Shan Temple" program.  This program offers an overview of the Temple, history, programs offered, an introduction to meditation and the opportunity to ask questions.  Susan and Sharon participated as sangha representatives and 7 new people participated.

The next Introduction to Shao Shan program will be Sunday, March 7th at 10am.  It is already possible to register! Register here.

Friday, January 1, 2021

New Year's Eve Celebration/Ceremony 2021

This year, due to covid-19,  Shao Shan Temple's New Year's Eve Ceremony/Celebration was held online.  Following meditation, we watched together a Temple "Year-in-Review" slideshow accompanied by chanting. 
We rang bells at one minute intervals, experiencing the length of one minute.  We reflected on the past year and then burned the reflections in a purification fire.

A spirit of warm connection joined us together as we enter this new year of 2021.


As we enter the year of the Ox, 2021; 

May we all rededicate our hearts and minds to our clearest aspirations. 

 May our effort in this new year be well-rooted in practice that it may grow and flower into joyful and compassionate mind for ourselves and all beings.

May the tender radiance of the Buddhas fill our hearts and minds.

May our actions be guided by the wisdom and compassion of the wondrous Dharma.