Sunday, September 25, 2022

Peace Day - Autumn Equinox

On Friday evening, September 23rd, an intimate group gathered to commemorate Peace Day and the Autumn Equinox, with a ceremonial fire, incense purification, chanting and readings.  The Peace Pole (donated by Japanese monk, Shinjo, in 2013)and surrounding garden were specially decorated with lights and peace cranes for the occasion.  The program extended the wish for world peace at this seasonal time of balance between dark and light.


Wednesday, September 14, 2022

22nd Anniversary Celebration/Ceremony !

Prayerful drumbeats resounded through the valley this past Sunday, September 11th, as we commemorated Shao Shan Temple's 22nd Anniversary.  A large group (~50 people!) joined together in this ceremony/celebration of rededication and renewal.  

The Shao Shan Anniversary has for many years included tying ribbons with our intentions onto the gold pole in front of the Temple while chanting "Namu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo" and that tradition was continued this year.  Some people wrote their intentions on their ribbons while others imbued the ribbons with their vows wordlessly.

An important additional aspect of this year's Anniversary Ceremony was honoring Shao Shan Temple's beloved founding abbot - Taihaku Nishiren Diaosho - who created, envisioned and manifested this beautiful place of practice.

We were honored this year to also have the Stuart of the Burlington Taiko Drummers.  The Taiko Drummers performed as part of the Opening Ceremony in year 2000 and Taihaku-Roshi had often spoken of wanting to invite them back for a major Anniversary.  The drumming perfectly expressed the resolve of intention, the ongoing connection and the prayerful celebration.

The ceremony was followed by a festive social-refreshments time.

Meditation prior to ceremony

Offering incense at the Taihaku-Roshi altar

Introductory welcome and bows

Ringing the outside bell for "Ji Ho San Shi..."

Tying Intention ribbons

Taiko Drum Performance!