Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Peace Day - Autumn Equinox

Tuesday evening (9/22/20) Shao Shan Temple commemorated both the Autumn Equinox and International Peace day with an online program of meditation, chanting and readings.  The program included a part of the  the "Ryakufusatsu" - an ancient purification ceremony that we often include on solstices and equinoxes.  The Peace Pole (donated by Japanese monk, Shinjo, in 2013)and surrounding garden were specially decorated with lights and peace cranes for the occasion.  The program extended the wish for world peace at this seasonal time of balance between dark and light.


Kinsho(Max) reading words from Masahisa Goi
regarding "May Peace Prevail on Earth"

KuKyoku(Monica) and GenKyoku(Heather) 
join Taihaku and Kenzan in in a round of chanting 
"Namu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo"

Glenda reading a fall equinox poem that she wrote for the occasion.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Online Introduction Program - Sept 20

 Today, Sunday, September 20th, Shao Shan Temple hosted its second online version of the Introduction/Open House program.  

The program included information about the Temple, summary of the current online programs offered, a video "tour", introduction to meditation and services and a chance for participants to introduce themselves and ask questions.  Julie participated as Sangha representative and there were 6 new people in attendance.

The next Introduction program is scheduled for Nov. 29.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Anniversary Intention Ribbons

Every year as part of the Anniversary Ceremony/Celebration, we tie ribbons symbolizing our highest intention, our dedication, aspiration onto Shao Shan Temple's gold pole.  This year, for the first time, people were invited to write their intention on their ribbon if they chose to, or write their name or simply imbue it with their intention.  

Over 15 people returned their ribbons to be included as part of the Anniversary Ceremony, additional ribbons have been received since the ceremony and people have come individually to tie on their ribbons in person.

Many people did choose to write (or draw) something on their Intention Ribbons.  
Some excerpts from what is visible on this year's Intention Ribbons: 



   peace on earth   

   highest good   

    warmly in the abundant dharma    


    let go   

    great faith    

    may we emanate peace and harmony     


     big caring     

    bless the creatures big and small     

    closer to each other and the one love     




Tuesday, September 15, 2020

20th Anniversary Ceremony + Zazenkai (online)

This year is Shao Shan Temple's 20th anniversary since the Opening Ceremony on Sept 13, 2000.  To commemorate this occasion, on this past Sunday, September 13, 2020, Shao Shan Temple hosted an online Zazenkai (Meditation Retreat) and Anniversary Ceremony/Celebration.

From 8am to 11am was the Zazenkai portion of the program with sitting and walking meditation.


The Anniversary Ceremony was then heralded by a Conch resounding from East Hardwick, VT followed by a drum roll echoing from Danville,VT.  The ceremony began with the Heart Sutra and a formal offering of tea & delicacies to the sounds of Baika music (Buddhist melodies born out of the influence of the natural features of and life in Japan).  

Offering of Tea & Delicacies

This was followed by the ancient tradition of Mondo where several Formal Students asked Shao Shan Temple's Abbot, Rev. Taihaku, a question, which she in the moment considered deeply and responded to.

Judy asking Mondo question of Rev. Taihaku

The theme of the Anniversary ceremony is re-dedication .  Re-dedication of the Temple and re-dedication of ourselves to our highest intention.  All those interested then had the option to share their intention.

Option to share highest intention

This year, blue ribbons were sent out in advance to those who regularly participate in Shao Shan Temple programs with the invitation to imbue them with their intention/dedication and send them back to be tied on as part of the anniversary ceremony.  Accompanied by chanting, Taihaku tied the received blue ribbons on the Temple gold pole as Kenzan announced the corresponding name. 

Rev. Taihaku's closing dedication

And we closed with a joyous group photo!  Thank you to all who participated!

Monday, September 14, 2020

Three Questions - children's program

Characters playing out The Three Questions story - the boy(doll), heron(turkey), monkey and dog

For this month's Children's Program (9/12/20) we shared our observations of nature as summer turns to fall (porcupines, colorful leaves, colder nights, shorter days, garden harvests...) and checked in on our sunflowers in full bloom, which we planted back in April. We then talked about the Temple's 20th anniversary celebration the following day, and the tradition of mondo, in which students formally ask questions of the teacher at the celebration. We read and acted out the book The Three Questions by Jon Muth (adapted from the short story of the same name by Leo Tolstoy), in which the main character seeks to learn about what is most important in life.

Taihaku greeting everyone at the beginning of the Children's Program

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Hand made Protection Amulets

In these difficult times when we are not able to be together in person as a sangha, Taihaku and Kenzan created small protection amulets to send to sangha members as a reminder of our connection one with another and a symbol of our care.

The below series of photos shows the amulets' creation.  The artwork of Shao Shan Temple was done by Taihaku.  The amulets were first designed, printed and cut to size.  Each one then had the "protection" Japanese kanji character individually handwritten on it.  They were laminated, cut again, then a hole punched and the gold cord tied on.  

cutting out amulets

Handwriting "Protection" characters


Cutting laminated

Punching hole and tying on gold cord

If you are a Shao Shan Temple participant 
and did not receive an amulet and would like one, please let us know.