Monday, July 25, 2022

July Meditation Weekend

This Saturday and Sunday, July 23rd & 24th, was a meditation retreat weekend. Amidst sweltering temperatures, dedicated practitioners joined for half-day or full-day sittings. The two day program included opening and closing ceremonies, zazen (sitting meditation), kinhin (walking meditation) and a dharma talk by Rev. Kenzan on the topic of "Simply doing the next thing".


Monday, July 11, 2022

Animal Friend / Pet Blessing

  An intimate group of animals and their human friends came together on Saturday, July 9th for a lighthearted Animal Friend / Pet blessing.  Each pet/animal friend received a blessing and a certificate.  

This was followed by a procession down to the Pet Cemetery to honor deceased pets and animal friends.  

May all beings be happy!

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Jukai - Bodhisattva Vows - July 3, 2022

Shao Shan Temple

Sunday, July 3, 2022

The ancient formal ceremony of Jukai was held on Sunday.  This year Scott Fields made the commitment to become a formal student of Shao Shan Temple.  He received the 16 precepts, a Buddhist name and has become Kenzan’s student.  Scott's Dharma Name is HON-CHU meaning True Center.

This ceremony was an occasion for the families and friends of those receiving the precepts and Sangha members to join together in support of the commitment that Scott is entering.  It was followed by light refreshments.

Thanks to all who joined in a spirit of renewal and intentions which support a life beneficial for all.