Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Taihaku Roshi 2 year memorial

It is May 24th, 2023, two years since the unexpected passing of Shao Shan Temple's beloved founding abbot.  Today we had a brief remembrance in the early morning with people joining both online and in person.  Following chanting in the Temple, those present in-person went together to offer incense and bows at the Taihaku altar in the Small Room, at the "Jakuen Stone" and in the cemetery.

"Jakuen Stone"

One of the moss garden rocks that looks a little like a standing monk, that Taihaku-Roshi always called the "Jakuen Stone".  New plaque added today, on the 2 year anniversary of her passing, to honor Taihaku Roshi's connection with Jakuen Zenji - the founder of Hokyoji Monastery 700 humdred years ago.

Monday, May 22, 2023

May 1/2 day Zazenkai

 Amidst the scents of fragrant blossoming crabapple trees and the cries of raucous baby ravens, practitioners came together on Sunday, May 21st at Shao Shan Temple for a full morning of intensive practice.

The Zazenkai program included opening and closing ceremonies, zazen (sitting meditation), kinhin (walking meditation), dokusan(individual meetings) and a Dharma reading. 

Saturday, May 13, 2023

New Buddha Statue in the forest


A new stone Buddha statue arrived last week and we opened it together after the Saturday morning program.  This replaces the Buddha statue on (made of resin) whose nose fell off this winter.  This new statue is hand carved Indonesian lava stone and is now sitting under a tree near the path down to Connie's Pond.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Buddha's Birthday Celebration 2023!

On a perfect weather spring day, Sunday, May 7th,
Shao Shan Temple celebrated Buddha’s birthday!

A festive celebration on a perfect spring day - with the new leaves bursting light green and the sky a brilliant blue.  An enthusiastic group gathered and nature joined in with the calling of the baby ravens in their nearby nest. 

Following a time of sitting meditation ...

Participants were invited to join in a noble procession carrying parasols, walking sticks decorated with colored streamers, bubble wands and little bells. The procession was accompanied by bells, drums, and conch. 
Everyone had the opportunity to ladle sweet tea over a statue of the baby Buddha. 

The ceremony was followed by a rousing "Happy Birthday" song and a delicious potluck including birthday cake! 

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

April Introduction Program & Spring vigor!

Saturday morning, April 29th, was an in-person "Introduction to Shao Shan Temple" program.  This program offers an overview of the Temple, history, programs offered, an introduction to meditation, the opportunity to ask questions and a brief outside tour of the grounds.  ShaoRen joined as sangha (Temple community) representative and 10 new people participated.

At the same time as the Introduction program, other Temple participants were planting in the Temple vegetable garden, others sewing rakusus, and others doing spring machine maintence.  A vigorous and thriving spring day at Shao Shan Temple!