Monday, February 11, 2019

Introduction to Zen Program (newsletter article)

What is an effective way to introduce visitors to Zen and Shao Shan Temple? Shao Shan Temple (Taihaku and Kenzan) are always on the lookout for what needs are arising and whether the current programs are meeting the present needs. As more people have found Shao Shan Temple through the Internet, first-time visitors have been a growth area with rapidly changing needs. In the past, people who had an interest in coming to Shao Shan were encouraged to contact the temple and arrange a first-time visit with the priests. For some people this invitation was an ideal opportunity for a one-on-one meeting with Taihaku or Kenzan. For others, it felt intimidating and too much of a commitment. Also, it began to happen frequently that people would make an appointment and then simply not show up. It became clear that a more comfortable and informal way to have a glimpse into Shao Shan Temple was needed.

In August 2017, Shao Shan Temple held its first Open House Program. This was an opportunity for people who practice here at Shao Shan Temple to invite family and friends to experience the temple on a more informal occasion. It was also a time for neighbors and the local community to discover more about the Zen temple in their town. The program involved an overview of the temple, an opportunity for questions and answers, a tour of the temple grounds, and refreshments. Visitors could also participate in a guided meditation or take a hike up to the White Jewel Mountain Retreat. In both 2017 and 2018 the program was well attended. 

Subsequent to the 2018 Open House, visitors started contacting Shao Shan Temple to inquire when the next one might be. As hoped, the Open House format was filling the need for an opportunity to come to Shao Shan in an informal group setting to learn about Zen and temple programs. However, scheduling the program only once a year did not seem to be meeting the demand. Introduction to Zen organically developed as a result.

The first Introduction to Zen program was held on Sunday, November 18, 2018, from 10 AM to 11:30 AM. January 26 was the most recent program. The format for the program is similar to the successful Open House approach and includes:
  • An introduction to the temple and programs,
  • A Question and Answer period,
  • An introduction to the meditation practice,
  • The option to tour the buildings and grounds (weather permitting).

Within this framework Taihaku and Kenzan discuss Zen basics, the history of the temple, and the training that Taihaku and Kenzan have received. Taihaku emphasizes that Shao Shan Temple is affiliated with the Soto Zen Order of Japan and is accountable to the Order. They also mention that there is an active and involved sangha at the temple that supports each practitioner and that Shao Shan Temple is itself integrated into the broader community of surrounding towns. 

Taihaku and Kenzan’s informal and enthusiastic personal styles set the tone for the discussion. They are adept at taking the program in the direction which is of most interest to the visitors. If families are in attendance, then the Family Program becomes the focus. If teens are in the audience, then the Teen-Youth Program is mentioned, and if adults are present, then emphasis is placed on the Book Discussion and Intensive Practice programs. Typically, a formal student is also on hand to answer additional questions at the end of the program. Participants appear to be engaged in the program and appreciative of the new perspective they have gained about Zen and Shao Shan Temple as a result of their visit.

The priests are continuing to evaluate how frequently the Introduction to Zen program should be held.  Currently, it is expected that they will be held at least quarterly, along with the Annual Open House Program in August.

If you are interested in learning more about Shao Shan Temple or if you have a friend or family member who might like to learn more about Shao Shan Temple, please plan on attending the next Introduction to Zen Program. The program is typically scheduled on a weekend from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM. You can click on this link to find out when the next Introduction to Zen program will be held.