Monday, June 17, 2019

Animal Friend/Pet Blessing

 A group of 5 dogs and their human friends came together on Saturday, June 15th for a lighthearted Animal Friend / Pet blessing.  Each pet/animal friend received a blessing and a certificate.  This was followed by a procession down to the Pet Cemetery to honor deceased pets and animal friends.  There was also a separate parakeet blessing.  
May all beings be happy!

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Annual Meeting 2019

Shao Shan Temple's Annual Meeting took place on Saturday, June 8th in the Temple's Screen House.  Participants had the opportunity to review the Sangha Report, Program Report, Cemetery Report and the Financial Report and ask questions or offer feedback.  The Development Committee presented the progress on the "Master Plan" and donations.  The dedicated sangha group which gathered on this bright sunny day and also enjoyed time and refreshments together.