Sunday, July 26, 2020

First Online Introduction Program

Today, Sunday, July 26th, Shao Shan Temple hosted its first online version of the Introduction/Open House program.  

The program included information about the Temple, summary of the current online programs offered, a video "tour", introduction to meditation and services and a chance for participants to introduce themselves and ask questions.  Judy and Max participated as Sangha representatives and there were 6 new people in attendance.

If you are interested in participating in a future Introduction program, please contact us.

Monday, July 20, 2020

First Online Zazenkai on Sunday

Yesterday, July 19, 2020, was Shao Shan Temple's first online 1/2 day Zazenkai (meditation retreat).   A full morning of sitting and walking meditation also included opening and closing services, a dharma talk and discussion time.  Participants were encouraged to prepare a home practice space beforehand - creating their own piece of Shao Shan Temple.  Several sangha members came together in small groups at their own homes to join the online practice.  

May this time of intensive practice be of benefit to all beings.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Strawberry Delight Children's Program

For this month's Family Program, we shared cool things we experienced in nature recently, ranging from harbor seals and fiddler crabs to scorpions, rattlesnakes, and baby chicks. We then checked in on the sunflowers we started back in April, which are now 3-4 feet tall! Several stuffed animals and dolls then acted out a story called "A Man, Two Tigers, and a Strawberry" from the book Kindness by Sarah Conover. In the story a man finds himself in a very perilous position, hanging from a weak vine on a cliff with a tiger above and below him, and then discovers a wild strawberry and is able to enjoy its deliciousness even in the midst of his difficult circumstances. We discussed how even when life is hard, we can find things to appreciate, and also that when life is enjoyable for us, it is important to remember that there are others who are suffering and need our support. We then practiced eating meditation, listened to the bell, and closed with a group OM.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Jukai - Bodhisattva Vows

 Shao Shan Temple
Sunday, July 5, 2020

Every year on the Sunday nearest to July 4th, we have the Jukai - the formal public commitment to the Bodhisattva precepts.  Joshua D. Robitille (Josh) received the first five Bodhisattva precepts and made his commitment to a Buddhist way of life.  Due to the current covid-19 pandemic, this year's ceremony was necessarily modified - with only Josh and his wife coming in person to the Temple and sangha members supporting and participating via zoom.

Thanks to all who joined in a spirit of renewal and intentions which support a life beneficial for all.  In these unusual times, may our strength of commitment radiate blessings throughout the world.

Josh in meditation prior to ceremony

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Bees are back!

Honeybees are back at Shao Shan Temple gardens and grounds!  
Their home has been moved farther back behind the orchard - tucked in under the trees.

Thanks to Max for his years of support in beekeeping and establishing them here.
Thanks to Franklin for this year's beekeeping.
Thanks to the bees for all their pollination efforts.
bzzz!  bzzz! bzzz!

Franklin establishing the new bee yard
Honeybee in the asparagus blossoms

Honeybee in the milkweed 

"I hope you are not going to transform my words into concepts, new concepts that can be stored inside you.  I don't want to give you anything. I only want to dance for you, like the bee.  If you see something, you must realize that you yourself have seen it.  It is in you, not in my dance."
-Thich Nhat Hahn in The Sun my Heart