Monday, January 29, 2024

Bodhisattva Precept Ceremony 2024


In January, Shao Shan Temple has a ceremony for formally receiving the first five Bodhisattva precepts and making a commitment to a Buddhist way of life.  This is also an occasion for Sangha members and the families and friends of those receiving the precepts to join together in support of the commitment being entered.   

This year, on Sunday, January 28th, 2024, Priscilla Fox participated in this ceremony, receiving the five precepts.  The ceremony was "hybrid" with people joining both in-person and online.  Thanks to all who joined in a spirit of renewal and intentions which support a life beneficial for all. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Living the Essential Buddhist Teachings Retreat 2024

This past weekend, January 20th & 21st was a retreat on the core Buddhist teachings and precepts.  This was the second year of this popular program where Shao Shan Temple Formal Students were invited to select a topic that has been important in their life and present their experience working with a given precept or other foundational buddhist teaching.  This emphasized that these teachings are not abstract concepts but ways of being that we can all bring into our lives.

The weekend included several periods of meditation each day in addition to times of sharing and discussion, lunch and informal social time.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Alone together - January children's program

 For January's Family Program, we opted to meet virtually due to challenging weather and driving conditions, and explored the theme of being alone together. We first shared aspects of the natural world that had drawn our attention, including the variable weather conditions of wind, rain, snow and everything in between; the warmer and colder temperatures; the many kinds of ice formations; and a raccoon leaving its markings in unpredictable places. 

Next, we read and acted out the story "Alone" from Days with Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel. In the story Toad arrives at Frog's house for a visit, but instead finds a note from Frog saying that he has gone off to be alone. Toad becomes concerned that Frog's desire to be alone must mean that he is unhappy, so he packs up a picnic lunch and goes in search of Frog to help him feel happy again. After much searching Toad finds Frog sitting on a rock in a river, and catches a ride on the back of a turtle to go visit Frog. As Toad approaches the rock, he slips off the turtle and into the river, soaking the picnic lunch. Frog helps Toad up onto the rock and explains to Toad that he did not want to be alone because he was unhappy, but rather because he wanted to contemplate the many things in his life that were fine and that he was happy about, such as being a Frog, enjoying the sunshine, and having such a good friend as Toad. In the end the two friends sat quietly on the rock eating wet sandwiches, enjoying their time alone together. 

Like Frog and Toad, we then practiced sitting quietly alone together, appreciating aspects of our experience in that moment that were just fine. We shared things that were fine in our lives - things that made us feel happy and grateful, and then closed with the ringing of the Temple bell and a group OM

Monday, January 8, 2024

January Introduction to Shao Shan

Saturday January 6th, was an in-person "Introduction to Shao Shan Temple" program.  This program offers an overview of the Temple, history, programs offered, an introduction to meditation, the opportunity to ask questions and a brief tour of the grounds.  Donna & Felicia joined as sangha (Temple community) representatives and 10 new people participated.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Bowing Week 2024

 As we begin the new year, here at Shao Shan Temple, we have again begun the year with "Bowing Week".  Every day this past week in the early morning beginning the day with 108 prostrations before our usual online morning program.  

With each bow chanting "Namu Kie Butsu", "Namu Kie Ho", "Namu Kie So".  

We began each day's bowing session with this chant:

The one who bows and the one who is bowed to are both, by nature, empty.
Therefore the communication between them is inexpressibly perfect.
Our practice is within the Net of Indra reflecting all Buddhas everywhere.
And my own person is reflected in all Buddhas, to whom with my whole life I go for refuge. 
(from Plum Village, "Touching the Earth gatha")

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

New Year's Eve 2024


Shao Shan Temple observed the New Year's Eve of 2024 with a full evening of meditation, ceremony, outside fire, refreshments and ringing of bells.

The  New Year's Eve began with meditation, followed by a time for a "personal year review" - reflecting on the past year and what we wish to continue and what we wish to refrain from.  

A vigorous Heart Sutra with drum accompanied people offering incense after which we proceeded to the outside fire circle.  

Celebratory refreshments and social time were enjoyed in the Sangha Hall.

We this year resumed the Shao Shan tradition of 108 minutes of bell ringing (after a ~5 year hiatus).  This sound meditation is an often surprising encounter with the changing subjective experience of the length of one minute.

Happy New Year 2024! - Year of the Dragon!