Sunday, January 29, 2023

January Introduction to Shao Shan Temple

Thursday evening, January 26th, was an online "Introduction to Shao Shan Temple" program.  This program offers an overview of the Temple, history, programs offered, an introduction to meditation and the opportunity to ask questions.  Susan-Doshin joined as sangha (Temple community) representative and 11 new people participated.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Bodhisattva Precept Ceremony 2023


On Sunday, January 22nd, 2023, Lizabeth Mitchell Maris, Nathan Haskell, Felicia Messuri and Caleb Lesher received the first five Bodhisattva precepts and made their commitment to a Buddhist way of life.

This ceremony was an occasion for Sangha members and the families and friends of those receiving the precepts to join together in support of the commitment that

Lizabeth, Nathan, Felicia and Caleb are entering.   This year the ceremony was "hybrid" with people joining both in-person and online.

Thanks to all who joined in a spirit of renewal and intentions which support a life beneficial for all. 

Great Robe of Liberation
Field far beyond form and emptiness
Wearing the Tatagata's teaching
Saving all beings

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Living the Essential Buddhist Teachings - Retreat

This past weekend, January 14&15 was a retreat on the core Buddhist teachings and precepts.  For the first time, this year, Shao Shan Temple Formal Students were invited to select a topic that has been important in their life and present their experience working with a given precept or the 4 Noble Truths or the 8 Fold Path.  This emphasized that these teachings are not abstract concepts but ways of being that we can all bring into our lives.

The weekend included several periods of meditation each day in addition to times of sharing and discussion, lunch and informal social time.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Winter animals - family program

For January's Family Program, we were delighted to have an in-person gathering on a beautiful, cold, sunny morning. We began by sharing our names and something we've noticed recently about the natural world, such as animal tracks in the dusting of snow, frozen mud, the varying amounts of snow in different places, and some surprise Canada geese in a nearby field. 

We then explored and acted out with our bodies how different types of animals manage the challenges of winter through body changes, migration, hibernation, dormancy, staying active, and storing food, and how humans similarly use a variety of strategies to survive and thrive in winter. We practiced some "hibernation meditation" and then made pine cone peanut butter bird feeders to support our feathered friends (and probably some furry ones as well) at this time of year. After hanging up the bird feeders in the woods, we joined the other adults in the Zendo for some bell ringing meditation and ended with a group OM

Friday, January 6, 2023

Bowing Week 2023

 As we begin the new year, here at Shao Shan Temple, we have again begun the year with "Bowing Week".  Every day this week in the early morning beginning the day with 108 prostrations before our usual online morning program.  With each bow chanting "Namu Kie Butsu", "Namu Kie Ho", "Namu Kie So".  

Shuryu Suzuki Roshi on Bowing (Zen Mind Beginner's Mind)

By bowing we are giving up ourselves. To give up ourselves means to give up our dualistic ideas. So there is no difference between zazen practice and bowing. Usually to bow means to pay our respects to something which is more worthy of respect than ourselves. But when you bow to Buddha you should have no idea of Buddha, you just become one with Buddha, you are already Buddha himself. When you become one with Buddha, one with everything that exists, you find the true meaning of being. When you forget all your dualistic ideas, everything becomes your teacher, and everything can be the object of worship.

Monday, January 2, 2023

New Year's Eve 2023


Shao Shan Temple observed the New Year's Eve of 2023 
with both an early-evening in-person ceremony 
and a later-evening online ceremony.

The in-person New Year's Eve began with meditation, followed by a time for a "personal year review" - reflecting on the past year and what we wish to continue and what we wish to refrain from.  

A vigorous Heart Sutra with drum accompanied people offering incense after which we proceeded to the outside fire circle.  

Celebratory refreshments and social time were enjoyed in the Sangha Hall.

The online New Year's Eve was meditation followed by a ceremony including a 2022 Shao Shan Slideshow, ringing of bells, contemplating the passing of time, "touching the earth", and several readings.