Sunday, December 27, 2015

Shao Shan Temple 2015 Newsletter

 Dear Friends and Sangha of Shao Shan Temple,
As this year, 2015, comes to a close, we are sending this newsletter to recap some of the year at Shao Shan Temple and to invite you to consider Shao Shan Temple in your end of year giving.

2015 RECAP

This year saw the addition of several new programs at Shao Shan Temple.  A “Question & Answer” evening in March elicited the request for a mid-day program which spawned our, now popular, Thursday afternoon program.  The Thursday afternoon program beginning at 3:30pm includes meditation, chanting the heart sutra and a Dharma discussion time.
Another new program this year, was day-retreats for Young Adults (20s & 30s).  There was a retreat in April on the topic of Values and one in November on Work.  Both were enthusiastically received.
The family program continues to flourish and in recognition of the growing number of older children, we also incorporated a “teen” portion into the program which allows the teens to join the adults for a short time of meditation, have a discussion time with Taihaku and join the children for activities and snack.  This year also saw our first Animal Friend/ Pet Blessing.
In July, there was a “Nature Retreat” during which we acknowledged the sacred sites on the land that support our practice here and planted a sacred pole atop “Dumpling Mountain” across from the Temple. 
Our usual annual ceremonies – Buddha’s Birthday and the Anniversary Celebration in September were again both meaningful and fun events.  These occasions provide an opportunity to introduce friends and family to Shao Shan Temple and to get to know others over refreshments.
In addition to the public programs, Shao Shan Temple also assists in landmark occasions such as weddings, baby blessings and memorial services.  At the beginning of the year, we offer to visit people’s homes for a personalized home blessing.
This year was momentous for the Shao Shan Temple Cemetery.  The survey was officially completed and submitted to the town of Woodbury.  The first interment of cremated remains occurred in October.  It is now possible to purchase burial rights for a lot.

More photos of these and other activities can be seen on the Blog page:

Looking to 2016

We look forward to joining with you in programs this upcoming year.   The schedule for 2016 is:  We welcome feedback if there are programs that you are especially interested in having.

Year End Giving

Shao Shan Temple is a 501C3 tax exempt organization.  Your donations are tax deductable and help insure that we continue to be able to offer programs such as these.  Donation receipts will automatically be provided for donations above $250 and will be provided upon request for donations of any amount.  Please consider making a year-end contribution.  Donations can be made online via paypal:

Monday, December 14, 2015

2016 New Year Greetings are coming to you!

New Year Greetings from Shao Shan Temple!
These individually made cards are sent to those who practice at the temple regularly and some are also available to pick up at the temple.


Each year a different greeting message is selected by Taihaku-san.  2016's greeting is "sen ni shitagatte" or "adhere to the line".

Below is a description of the New Year's greetings:

Prayer Tablet
At the New Year, it is a Japanese temple tradition to present people affiliated with the temple an Ofuda (Prayer Tablet).  These Ofuda are an expression of the temple’s deep wishes and dedication to the welfare of the community.  They carry the force of intention and practice into the homes of the community and form a bridge and doorway between the temple and everyday practice.  They are prayers, in solid form, for your well being and fruitful deepening in the Way;  a living expression of mutual connection.  These Ofuda have been placed on the temple’s altar during the December 8 day Rohatsu intensive practice, where they are charged with the great power of faith and courage.  Traditionally, people mount or place the Ofuda in their home for the duration of the upcoming year to bring their household peace and protection.

May peace and blessings extend from your home to the wider world in the upcoming year.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

December Family Program - Generosity

During this holiday season - the December 12th Family Program focused on generosity.
Each family brought some food items to donate to the Worcester Food Shelf and the children made decorations to give with the boxes.

May our holiday season be infused with a generous mind!

Thank you from Worcester Food Shelf

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Rohatsu Sesshin - Dec. 1-8

Thanks to all who participated in this year's Rohatsu Sesshin  at Shao Shan Temple.
 Rohatsu sesshin is an intensive meditation retreat December 1st - 8th to commemorate Shakymuni Buddha's enlightenment.

This year, we had especially strong participation - with many sangha members coming at various times.  
Each day, Taihaku-san gave a Dharma Talk following the life of Shakyamuni Buddha.

May this infuse our upcoming year of practice with renewed vigor.