Sunday, May 24, 2020

Buddha's Birthday Blessing

This morning, Sunday, May 24th, Shao Shan Temple hosted our first virtual Buddha's Birthday celebration with the intention to extend blessings to the world.  

Each participant had the opportunity to share a blessing or poem or simply offer a flower.  This sweet brief occasion allowed all to connect with each other and with the wish that all beings may awaken.

 "In the past we understood that the material is also the sacred-- that spirit pervades the tangible world" -  Norman Fischer

Now the green world awakens
meaning it was only asleep
until causes and conditions--
the light and warmth of our tilted planet--
called it forth.

This dandelion is an awakened being;
she blooms not only for herself
but for the bumble bee, in matching jacket,
who draws his nourishment from her.

The lilac buds who slept all winter
on bare branches, tightly  wrapped
swell and burst their bundlings.

Fiddleheads rise up from their knobby, brown sleep
unfurl trustingly toward the light
softening into green feathers.

Through grass and leaves and flowers
we see our own awakening
we feel our own awakening,
we love our own awakening.
I am not separate from this shining dandelion
I am not separate from this graceful fern
I feel in me the purple promise of the lilac buds.
As one, we awaken.

Glenda Bissex
May 23, 2020 for Buddha's birthday

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Snow, Spring, Sloths & Showers - Children's Programs

Currently, Shao Shan Temple hosts a weekly short online children's program.  
Here are photos and descriptions of the last two programs. 
(Notice the difference in weather!!) 

----------------- MAY 9 Children's Program ----------------- 

For May 9th Children's Program, we shared what we noticed about the coming of spring, which for many of us included spring changing its mind and going back to snowy winter for the day! We also checked on our sunflower seedlings, which keep getting taller. We then read a book by Eric Carle called Slowly Slowly Slowly Said the Sloth, acting out the story with stuffed animals, and then practiced touching our fingers to our noses as slowly and mindfully as a sloth. Finally, we listened to the bell, bringing our palms together in gassho, and let out a group OM

----------------- MAY 16 Children's Program ----------------- 

For May 16th Children's Program, we shared a variety of nature observations on the progression of spring, from baby chicks and growing seedlings to green grass and melted snow (finally!). We then read and acted out the Elephant and Piggie book titled Are You Ready to Play Outside? by Mo Willems. The book humorously explores the challenges inherent in not wanting what life presents to us, or wanting what life then takes away, versus learning to make the best of what we have in this moment. We then listened to the bell, brought our hands together in gassho, and let out a series of group OMs.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

New Flowering Trees at Shao Shan

In the past weeks, over a dozen new flowering trees and bushes have been planted at Shao Shan Temple in the areas where the Red Pine trees needed to be removed.  Below are the varieties of trees that have been planted.  In addition to these shown below, Forsythia, Lilac and Red Branch Dogwood bushes have also been planted.  In particular, bushes have been planted around the cabins to help "settle them in" since all the trees between buildings needed to be removed for safety reasons.  The Red Pines were over 80' tall.  The new ornamental trees do not grow taller than 20'.
The Temple grounds will soon be blooming!

Taihaku working on tree planting
Dolgo Crabapple 
The delicious crabapples which we use for jelly
Prariefire Crabapple
Ornamental pink flowering
Japanese Ivory Silk Lilac Tree
Flowering shade trees

Royal Star Magnolia
A flowering shrub/tree native to Japan
Kwanzan Flowering Cherry 
Ornamental pink flowering

Monday, May 11, 2020

Equanimity & snow

On a snowy Mother's Day in May, Shao Shan Temple hosted a well attended online mini-seminar.  This week's mini-seminar was on the topic of Equanimity.  We explored together what is equanimity, how to cultivate it through practice and study.

May we be open, balanced and peaceful.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Individual outdoor work practice

Spring grounds cleanup and landscaping are underway at Shao Shan Temple.  Individual sangha members have scheduled times to help clean the grounds as a solitary work practice.  This is an opportunity to enjoy the peaceful Shao Shan Temple grounds. Thanks to everyone who has and will assist with the outdoor work!

Gather branches, one by one
Cooing doves
Breath of sun

Monday, May 4, 2020

Online Children's program - lovingkindness and letting go

On April 25th's Children's Program we shared additional observations about the progression of spring, checked out our sunflower seed (hadn't sprouted yet!), and read a book called The Invisible String, which explores the idea of each of us having an invisible string made of love that connects us to all of the other people we love, even when we're not with them physically. Kenzan then led us in a loving-kindness meditation, imagining our invisible strings extending outwards, ultimately connecting us to all beings everywhere.
For this week's Children's Program (May 2nd), we again
 all shared our Spring nature observations, including seeing the removal of the stumps at Shao Shan and the landscaping work there. We also checked in on our sunflower seedlings, which have started to sprout. A variety of stuffed animals then acted out the story of "A Heavy Load," from the book Zen Shorts, about learning to set down difficult thoughts or emotions when they are no longer serving us. We then practiced letting go by "shaking it off," as well as by sitting quietly and listening to a variety of unexpected bells.