Monday, April 19, 2021

April online Zazenkai

On an early spring Sunday morning, April 18th, we joined together online supporting one another in a morning of intensive practice. This month's online 1/2 day meditation retreat (Zazenkai) was well-attended with both new and familiar participants.  The day's program included opening & closing ceremonies, zazen(sitting meditation), kinhin(walking meditation), and a Dharma Talk.  Rev. Kenzan gave a Dharma Talk on "Living our life as a prayer".

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Learning something new - children's program

For April's Children's Program we celebrated the full arrival of spring (we think!). We first shared some of the things we've been noticing in nature, including the emergence of spring flowers, like crocuses, coltsfoot and daffodils, lots of bird calls, and plenty of sun. 

We also checked in on the zinnia seed we planted last month, which had sprouted and was about an inch tall. 

We then read and acted out the book Watch Me Throw the Ball, an Elephant and Piggie book by Mo Willems. In the book Piggie is excited to have fun while learning to throw a ball, while Elephant feels it is very important to practice seriously and develop the skill to throw a ball properly. In the end we discussed how we can learn something from each of them, and we practiced meditating together with qualities of both Elephant and Piggie, upright and alert while also relaxed, joyous, and playful.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

"Waking up to Spring" program

Today's spring program, under a bright blue sky with robins hopping over the last patches of snow, we gathered online on this Easter Sunday to acknowledge the returning of life and to share aspects of the season that have inspired our practice.  Participants shared original poems (humorous or serious), read readings or simply held up a flower.  As part of today's ceremony, we ceremonially burned the intention ribbons from the autumn Anniversary ceremony together with incense.

Part of Taihaku's closing dedication-poem:

May your every breath be a new beginning and like the season of spring, May each new breath bring with it a boundless hope and goodwill.

May we rejoice in the steady pulse of life; of the living earth; of our beautiful rose blushed mountains, and the dashing rush of snow melt rivers. 

And with a heart full of joy, and with a heart full of hope As we step forth into our day, May our actions and decisions reflect this hope and goodwill and may they extend even beyond our blooming mountains and further still than our brimming streams to encompass all living beings on our gracious living earth.