Saturday, January 26, 2019

Introduction to Zen Program

Today, January 26th, was Shao Shan Temple's second "Introduction to Zen" program. 

This recently added program is an opportunity for people new to Shao Shan Temple to get an overview of Shao Shan Temple, the programs, the practice here and an opportunity to ask questions.  The time also included meditation instruction and a brief "tour" of the grounds.

The plan is to have "Introduction" or "Open House" program available every couple months.

Monday, January 21, 2019

January Sesshin & Snow!

This pastweekend, January 18/19, was a mini sesshin (meditation retreat).  A number of sangha members participated in this intensive practice opportunity.  
The Dharma Talk was on this year's New Year's Greeting - Radiant Blessings.

The Sesshin was shortened due to the Sunday snowstorm - 24 inches of radiant blessings in snow!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Of Snow and Impermanence (family program)

For the Children's Program we experimented with snow as an exploration of the theme of impermanence. We brought snow inside (as it was very cold!), looked at snow crystals with magnifying glasses, melted the snow with our breathing, built snow sculptures, and painted on Buddha Boards with melting snow. We then watched the paintings on the Buddha Boards fade away, as snow turned to water and then to air.

Next, we went into the Zendo of the Temple, where we continued to experience impermanence, as Kenzan entered the room wearing a hat, rang the bell, said goodbye, disappeared, and returned wearing a different hat. This happened multiple times, and each time the effects of Kenzan could still be heard in the ringing of the bell, even when Kenzan couldn't be seen.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year's Eve Ceremony!

The New Year's Eve Ceremony at Shao Shan Temple 
was a celebration with meditation, reflection, chanting, and bell-ringing.

 The natural beauty of fire and snow combined with sincere reflection, warm fellowship, hearty chanting 
and delicious food for a full evening -- 
ringing in the new year 2019.

Warm wishes to all in the New Year!