Saturday, December 30, 2023

2024 New Year's Greetings Cards

 Shao Shan Temple's

2024 New Year's Greetings
have been sent!  

Below is the message on the back of each.


This prayer tablet is an expression of Shao Shan Temple’s deep wishes and dedication to the welfare of the community.  It is a bridge between the temple and your everyday practice

This has been placed on the temple’s altar - it has been charged with the great energy of faith and courage. 

This prayer tablet is designed to be displayed in your home to bring peace and protection for the upcoming year.

This year’s message is



( TO – KAI)

May peace and blessings extend from your home to the wider world in the upcoming year.

Each card is hand done in a multiple step process.  
Above photo shows the cards with the ink drying after being stamped with the red star and before the gold circle. 
To see additional detailed photos of the card construction process, see previous years' blog entries (2022 & 2021)

Friday, December 22, 2023

Winter Solstice 2023

 At this time of the longest night, we gathered together to acknowledge the time of Winter Solstice.  With chanting, darkness and candlelight, we joined together in blessing in this time of transition - the longest night of the year and the returning of the light.

Shao Shan Temple offered two Winter Solstice Ceremonies - both an earlier in-person ceremony and later an online one - sharing the light across the distance and sinking into a nourishing dark that knows no distance.

Monday, December 18, 2023

Cookies and generosity - Children's program

 For December's online Family Program we were fortunate to have friends join us from Iowa, Florida and Virginia, as well as several Vermonters, and explored the themes of generosity and self-restraint. We began by introducing ourselves and sharing something we've been noticing in nature, such as the longer nights, sunny days, icicles forming, colder weather, and oranges harvested from orange trees (guess where!). 

We then acted out the story "Cookies" from Frog and Toad Together by Arnold Lobel. In the story Toad makes some delicious cookies, which he generously shares with Frog. The cookies are so delicious that Frog and Toad have a hard time stopping themselves from eating them all. Frog realizes that they need to practice will power. They try putting the cookies in a box, tying the box with string, and putting the tied box high on a shelf, but each time they realize they still have access to the cookies. Finally, Frog generously decides to throw the rest of the cookies to the birds, feeling good about practicing will power. Toad, on the other hand, invites Frog to keep the will power, as he is going to go bake a cake. We discussed how sometimes it can be an act of generosity to practice will power, or self-restraint, such as when we restrain ourselves from saying or doing something that might cause harm to ourselves or others. 

We practiced a brief meditation exploring how with each in-breath we can experience gratitude for the oxygen shared with us by plants and trees, and with each out-breath we can experience generosity as we share carbon dioxide with the plants and trees. 

We then demonstrated making peanut butter pine cone bird feeders and ended by listening to the Temple bell and sounding a group OM.

Friday, December 8, 2023

Rohatsu Sesshin 2023

The Rohatsu Sesshin is a meditation retreat the first week in December.  This is a time of concentrated practice to commemorate 
Shakyamuni Buddha’s enlightenment upon seeing the morning star.  Temples around the world join in this practice.

Ringing the 7am bell
The sesshin consisted primarily of sitting and walking meditation and also included oryoki breakfasts, lunch with food offering walks, an opening ceremony (Ryakufusatsu), brief dharma talks, and a celebratory closing ceremony.  

A snowstorm with 8"+ of heavy wet snow resulted in no electric power for part of the time, adding to the depth of quiet.

Zazen during the electric outage

The theme of this year's Rohatsu Sesshin was Keizan Zenji's koan of Shakyamuni Buddha's enlightenment from the "Transmission of Light".

Shakyamuni Buddha saw the morning star, 
awakened to the way 
and said
 "I together with the great earth and all sentient beings simultaneously attain the way."

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

November 1/2 day Zazenkai

On a cool November morning with little snowpellets followed by alternating sun and clouds, practioners gathered on Sunday, November 19th at Shao Shan Temple for a full morning of intensive practice.

The Zazenkai program included opening and closing ceremonies, zazen (sitting meditation), kinhin (walking meditation), and dokusan(individual meetings) and a Dharma reading/talk. 

The Dharma reading was from Zen Master Hongzhi. An excerpt of which is below.

"Here you can rest and become clean, pure and lucid. Bright and penetrating, you can immediately return, accord and respond to deal with events. Everything is unhindered, clouds gracefully floating up to the peaks, the moonlight glitteringly flowing down mountain streams. The entire place is spiritually transformed, totally unobstructed and clearly manifesting, responsive interaction like box and lid fitting or arrowpoints meeting."  

- Zen Master Hogzhi (Cultivating the Empty Field, Taigen Dan Leighton trans.)

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Gratitude & trees - family program

For the children's portion of November's in-person Family Program, we enjoyed exploring the themes of gratitude and interconnectedness. 

We first shared our names and things we've been noticing in nature, including the colder temperatures, shorter days and longer nights, ice floating on top of grass, emptier gardens, fewer leaves on trees, and the recent snowfall. 

We then read the book the tree in me by Corinna Luyken, which explores how eating a single apple with mindfulness and gratitude can help us experience our connection with all things. We practiced being trees ourselves and then made a gratitude tree with decorated hanging leaves illustrating things we feel grateful for. 

We also made gratitude journals and used an apple peeler-corer-slicer to prepare our snack of apples and cinnamon, using apples from the trees Taihaku Roshi planted perhaps forty or fifty years ago! 

We concluded by gathering with the adults outdoors and offered bows and bells to the earth, sky and everything in between.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Meditation Retreat (Sesshin) - Oct. 20-22

October 20-22, 2023 was "sesshin" - a meditation retreat. The weekend's meditations were accompanied by the soft patter of rain and the crackling of the first fires in the woodstove. Dedicated practitioners joined for the full sesshin or parts thereof. The sesshin theme was Dogen's "Fukanzazengi"- "Universal Recommended Instructions for Zazen".

The zazen I speak of is not a mediation practice. It is simply the dharma gate of joyful ease, the practice-realization of totally culminated enlightenment. It is the koan realized; traps and snares can never reach it. If you grasp the point, you are like a dragon gaining in the water, like a tiger taking to the mountains.  - Dogen

Monday, October 16, 2023

Garden Closing - Work, Ceremony & Potluck

 On a October 14th, we gathered to for a garden work day, season-closing ceremony and a harvest potluck.  The weather was perfect for garden work- neither too sunny, nor too rainy; neither too hot, nor too cold.  Many hands pulled carrots, beets and rutabagas and filled wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of withering by-gone vegetable plants and weeds.  Work time was followed by a Garden-Closing Ceremony - expressing gratitude for all that had made the garden possible and apologies to all beings harmed in the gardening process. A yummy Harvest Potluck (lots of coleslaw!) around the fire (with s'mores!) was enjoyed by all.

Izzy & the harvest - beets, carrots, celery and more

The Garden-closing ceremony

The Harvest Potluck (lots of coleslaw!)

Preparing the ground for next year

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Annual Remembrance Ceremony 2023

This year the Annual Remembrance Ceremony took place Thursday evening October 5th.  The evening ceremony is surrounded by candles and firelight. 

There was time to honor deceased loved ones, the spiritual lineage, and those who are interred in the Shao Shan Temple Cemetery.  

The evening included a candlelight procession up to the cemetery, drums and cymbals, and chanting.   Nature joined the procession up to the cemetery, as each inkin (handbell) ring was echoed by the hoot of owls. 

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Zen Summer Camp 2023 (Newsletter Article)


Feature Article: 2023 Family-Friendly Summer Program

by Noah Weinstein

(with additional material from Heather Kralik and Donna O'Malley)


Shao Shan Temple’s Family-Friendly Summer Program, also known as "Zen Summer Camp," enjoyed a successful and playful second season this year. While most programs at Shao Shan Temple are geared either towards adults or children and families, this program is unique in that the entire sangha, of all ages and stages of life, are invited to participate and practice together. This year we were honored to host two visiting Soto Zen priests, Rev. Jisho Siebert and Rev. Daishin McCabe from Zen Fields in Ames, Iowa, along with their six-year-old son, for the four-day program.

Each day at Zen Summer Camp began slightly before 10:30 am when one of the children rang the outside bell to summon all participants into the zendo (main temple room). The themes of “taking care” and “paying attention” were presented as practice invitations throughout the program, starting with the children taking turns caring for the small altar by lighting a candle and incense and ringing the big bell. Rev. Daishin then led the entire group in a song/meditation borrowed from the Plum Village tradition and based on the meditations of the Anapanasati Sutra. After singing and taking a moment to sit quietly together while listening to the bell, the children departed the zendo with several adult volunteers to take part in a variety of activities.

On Thursday and Friday, Randy Henson, a formal student at Shao Shan Temple and fine woodworker, mentored the children in carving wooden spatulas out of cherry wood harvested from his own land. Each child was given a “blank” piece of wood shaped roughly like a spatula and then had the opportunity to use a special hand tool called a spokeshave to carve the blank into a spatula with a rounded handle and beveled edge thin enough to flip pancakes.  The children then sanded their spatulas smooth and applied a combination of beeswax and linseed oil to protect them.

 Also on Thursday, while the children were working on the spatula project, Rev. Jisho lead a discussion with adults which focused on the topic of caregiving.  Rev. Jisho asked each participant to write down on small pieces of paper the challenges and gifts to their practice that comes from caregiving. Participants then posted their responses on the wall, and everyone got to see what each other had written.  A discussion about how our practice informed both the challenges and gifts followed.

On Friday, while the children finished their work on the spatulas, Rev. Daishin introduced the adults to Japanese Calligraphy. In the screen room brushes, paper, and ink were brought out for the eight participants. Rev. Daishin told the group that he was introduced to calligraphy about 30 years ago and found it to be a meditative and calming companion over the years. The group was instructed on how to hold the brush, ink dipping, and flourish. The group then practiced creating the Japanese character "Mu" (nothing). Daishin made it look so easy over and over again but the connection to head, heart, and hand revealed a challenge as well as the need and desire for more practice.

On Saturday the children were transformed into woodland beings, thanks to formal student and artist, Susan Calza, who painted some of the children’s faces into the likenesses of bears, bunnies, mushrooms, trees, and rainbows. The children then romped through the woods near Connie’s pond, building shelters for creatures large and small and acquainting themselves with the other creatures of the forest. Meanwhile, Rev. Daishin and adults talked about practicing with family. His shared personal extended family experiences, and his work with trauma, addiction, and trauma-informed yoga opened the door for us to investigate the challenges with our own families. 

Sunday was “garden and art day” for the children during which they trekked over to the temple’s vegetable garden, where they snacked on fresh carrots, traced and colored various depictions of Buddhas and bodhisattvas with Rev. Daihsin, and harvested vegetables to share for the community potluck.  Rev. Jisho stayed with the adults and together the group explored and shared those precepts that showed up most as practice in our lives.  She invited us to share not only from our wisest self, but also the more vulnerable “still working on” selves. Rev. Jisho encouraged us to hear the voice of what is, be with that, and from there discern what is required.  

Each day after the morning’s activities, the children and adults reconvened for a delicious lunch, followed by a food offering walk to Connie’s Pond to feed the expectant fish and other pond beings. We concluded each day by returning to the front of the temple for a closing circle, song, and group bow.

Thank you to all who made the Zen Summer Camp possible. Special thanks to Rev. Jisho and Rev. Daishin for their valuable contributions to the program, to Rev. Kenzan for his leadership and organizational prowess, to volunteers Noah Weinstein, Vanessa Weinstein, Randy Henson, Susan Calza, Taylore Grymonnt, Ann Peltz, and Stella Marrie, as well as to all the enthusiastic participants.


Here's what participants said about Zen Summer Camp:

The Zen Summer Camp was wonderful! There was something very unique and "X" about it. I can't figure out the word for the "X" exactly - something about feeling embraced while embracing. Uninterrupted zazen and being in that beautiful forest on that land. Getting to see Taihaku's grave. Hearing kids' voices and seeing kids cared for by multiple members of an awakening community. It was gorgeous. There is something so beautiful about being able to sit zazen while hearing the voices of children in a temple space. Sharing honestly about caregiving and our practice. We are so grateful to the temple community for hosting and participating.     -- Rev. Jisho


To me, camp was about allowing the kids to explore what they are interested in without interfering in the process.  I enjoyed getting to know and working with all the children, parents, and the habitat of Shao Shan, embraced by solidarity around the teachings of Buddha.   -- Rev. Daishin


Being bathed in Shao Shan’s summer fullness, abundant Buddha and bodhisattva immersions, living Dharma and deeper-than-usual sangha connection, I felt at ease, at home and totally happy.  What fun it was to take in the delightful sounds and activity of the children, to watch them with parents and teachers, and feel full-on benefit from the experiences and wisdom shared by our visiting teachers, Rev. Jisho and Rev. Daishin.  Ever so grateful for our amazing planning duo, Rev. Kenzan and Noah, for putting so many pieces together.  It seemed like everyone felt supported in their practice with family, in their personal inquiry, and in what it is to have a sangha where it’s safe to be ourselves and we’re free to have fun.   -- Donna O'Malley


The Zen Summer Camp was a totally delightful surprise. I thought we would meditate together a little bit with the children, and then the kids would be whisked away to the natural world, and we adults would meditate and listen to a dharma talk. This was not the case!   There was some meditation and Dharma words, but then we joined the children on the screened porch who were busy making wooden spatulas while we practiced calligraphy. The kids had so much pride in using real tools and making a kitchen implement they would use at home.   -- Heather Kralik


It was interesting learning about and doing calligraphy for the first time. Rev. Daishin was a good teacher.        -- Priscilla Fox


I really liked making the wooden spatulas because it was fun to use the tools.      -- Izzy Weinstein


It was wonderful to witness the level of persistence, dedication, and care each child brought to the process of making spatulas. The finished products ended up being both beautiful and highly functional. Izzy has already used her spatula multiple times and takes such good care of it because she made it.           -- Noah Weinstein


Well after camp ended, our whole family is still singing the song that Daishin sang with us each morning at Zen Summer Camp. And I just sang it for a client who loved it. So, thank you - the way I practiced how to care for myself and others at camp is still rippling out in a wonderful way.                    -- Ann Peltz



Tuesday, September 12, 2023

23rd Anniversary Celebration/Ceremony !

This past Sunday, September 10th, we commemorated Shao Shan Temple's 23rd Anniversary - 23 years since the Opening Ceremony in the year 2000.  

Prior to the Ceremony itself, there was the option of a time of meditation.

An important aspect of this (and future) year's Anniversary Ceremony is honoring Shao Shan Temple's founding abbot - Taihaku Nishiren Diaosho - who created, envisioned and manifested this beautiful place of practice.

The Shao Shan Anniversary has for many years included tying ribbons with our intentions onto the gold pole in front of the Temple while chanting "Namu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo" and that tradition was continued this year.  

Because the likelihood of rain, the first half of the ceremony was inside the Temple, creating an intimate atmosphere for honoring Taihaku-Roshi, before proceeding outside for tying on the vow/intention ribbons.

The ceremony was followed by a festive social-refreshments time. (and only after refreshments were ended did it start to rain!)

Monday, August 28, 2023

Nature Spirit Pilgrimage 2023

 On a perfect-weather late-summer day, we gathered at Shao Shan Temple to acknowledge and pay respect to the greater nature that supports our practice.  This included a modified version of a ceremony done in Japan for blessings in gratitude to the protecting Spirits of the Land.

We offered flowers, incense and chanting at multiple sites on the Temple land acknowledging the myriad ways - known and unknown that they support our practice.
Little woodland frogs, toads and newts greeted our path and bird songs accompanied our meditations.

The program included several short blocks of outside meditation and a snack of vegetables fresh from the Temple Garden that was then also shared with the fishes in Connie's Pond!