Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Rohatsu Sesshin 2024

 The Rohatsu Sesshin is a meditation retreat the first week in December.  This is a time of concentrated practice to commemorate Shakyamuni Buddha’s enlightenment upon seeing the morning star.  Temples around the world join in this practice.

The sesshin consisted primarily of sitting and walking meditation and also included oryoki breakfasts, lunch with food offering walks, an opening ceremony (Ryakufusatsu), brief dharma talks, and a celebratory closing ceremony.  

This year was the snowiest Rohatsu in memory with an estimated 15" snow total by the end of Sesshin!

The Dharma Talks focused on the 5 Faculties of Awakening: Conviction, Perserverence, Mindfulness, Concentration and Discernment.