Monday, November 11, 2024

Courage & Kindness - November Children's Program

For November's online Family Program, we explored the themes of courage and kindness. 

We began by sharing our names and something we had been noticing about the natural world, such as the colder temperatures, windy days, bare trees of "stick season," and many shades of brown. 

We then discussed courage and bravery - when we feel scared or anxious, but choose to do the thing we feel afraid of anyway because it is important to us. We read and acted out the book Jabari Jumps by Gaia Cornwall, in which a young boy, Jabari, feels nervous about going off the diving board, but through the support of his father, some back and forth, taking a deep breath, and reframing something scary as a surprise, Jabari finds the courage to take the plunge. Our group shared stories of times we have acted with courage and bravery in the face of fear.

And we practiced loving-kindness meditation, which, as the story goes, the Buddha offered as a practice to some monks who were feeling afraid of sleeping in the forest. We ended with the ringing of the bell and a group "OM."