Thursday, May 23, 2024

Taihaku Roshi 3 Year Memorial - Gifts

 At the conclusion of Sunday's Third Year Memorial for Taihaku Roshi, were several gifts!

Although it is beyond possible to sufficiently thank Leafye and Eben's incredible gift of the garden land to the Temple, the Shao Shan sangha (community) expressed gratitude to them.  Shao Shan is also naming parts of the land after them - specifically the vegetable garden has been named "The Leafye Garden" and the garden path to White Jewel Mountain has been named "Eben's Way" (thank you, Heather K for painting signs)

The large outdoor Temple bell sent from Ryuunji Temple in Japan in honor of Rev. Taihaku arrived a few days before and was opened together accompanied by chanting.  Thank you Rev. Shinjo! (thank you Susan S for coordinating shipping)

The "Taihaku Book" with some of her writings and stories told about her by the sangha was completed just in time for copies to be given out at the ceremony!  There are still some copies available at the Temple for a suggested donation OR the book is available for purchase online (hardcover or paperback).

Refreshments included some of Taihaku-Roshi's favorite standard "party" refreshments - Cream cheese and olive sandwhiches on white Manghi's bread, deviled eggs, chips with guacamole, fresh brownies with lots of walnuts, crabapple juice punch and more.