Monday, May 6, 2024

Buddha's Birthday 2024


On Sunday May 5th, Shao Shan Temple celebrated Buddha's Birthday!

Despite the cool rain outside, the Temple was festively bright inside with abundant flower decorations and joyous participants.

Following a time of sitting meditation ...

We had the Shakyamuni Buddha's Birth story read by Julie and including heavenly beings raining down flowers.

Everyone had the opportunity to ladle sweet tea over a statue of the baby Buddha. 

In the pouring rain, we had an abbreviated noble procession...  carrying UMBRELLAS, parasols, bubbles, wands and little bells - processing from the Temple to the Sangha Hall where we sang a rousing "Happy Birthday" song and a delicious potluck including birthday cake! 

Thank you to everyone who braved the rain to make this celebration celebratory.

... For more than two thousand six hundred years the Dharma has rained down its blessings and continues to this day, bathing all alike in its heavenly vitality.  ...

- from the Buddha's Birthday dedication