Friday, November 30, 2018

Red Pines at Shao Shan Temple

The recent snow storm of heavy wet snow has created a beautiful but potentially dangerous situation at Shao Shan Temple.  The weight of the snow on the branches of the Red Pine trees that surround the Temple have caused several of them to fall.  One of them landed on the Temple building itself, fortunately the only damage was a bent chimney.  Another grazed the Little Hall roof, broke the deck and the clothesline structure.  Another on the main path to the front door and a fourth landed on the electric line above the lower parking lot.
Due to the ongoing danger of falling trees, we have unfortunately needed to delay the start of Rohatsu Sesshin.  Updates will be posted on the Announcements page.

This storm has struck us with the need to remove all of the Red Pine trees that are within falling distance of the buildings.  Because this is a large project that will significantly alter the landscaping around the Temple, we have been reluctant to remove these beautiful trees, but it is clearly no longer avoidable.