Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Winter Solstice Ceremony

An enthusiastic group braved cold temperatures on the longest night of the year to participate in 
Shao Shan Temple's Winter Solstice Ceremony.
The ceremony included meditation, chanting, solstice poems and candlelight.

May we all bring our light into the world.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Family Program: Generosity and Snowflakes

In today's December family program, the families brought a food donation for the Worcester Food Shelf, discussed generosity and made paper snowflakes.

May all enjoy Happy Holidays!

New Year's Greeting Cards!

Shao Shan Temple's 

2017 New Year's Greetings 
are in the mail!  

Below is the message on the back of each 
New Year's Greeting.

This prayer tablet is an expression of Shao Shan Temple’s deep wishes and dedication to the welfare of the community.  It is a bridge between the temple and your everyday practice

This has been placed on the temple’s altar during the December 8-day Rohatsu intensive practice.  It has been charged with the great energy of
faith and courage. 

This prayer tablet is designed to be displayed in your home to bring peace and protection for the upcoming year.

This year’s message is

May peace and blessings extend from your home to the wider world in the upcoming year. 

Each card is hand-assembled and stamped

Ink drying on freshly stamped cards

New Year's Greetings are also available at the Temple if you do not receive one in the mail.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Rohatsu Sesshin - Dec. 1-8

The Rohatsu Sesshin, a meditation retreat from Dec. 1-8 was a time of concentrated practice to commemorate Shakyamuni Buddha’s enlightenment upon seeing the morning star.

This year we had strong participation for the entire sesshin, with a core group that stayed at Shao Shan Temple.  

The sesshin included sitting and walking meditation from 5:30am until 8:30pm, with breaks after meals.  There were daily Dharma Talks by Taihaku & Kenzan on Shakyamuni Buddha's life from the time of his birth through his enlightenment.  Delicious garden-produce meals were served 3 times a day including Oryoki breakfasts (using the formal monk's eating bowls).
Thank you to everyone who participated in this time of intensive practice!

Below is the dedication that was read every morning:
 Peace Dedication
May the penetrating light of wisdom dispel the darkness of illusion.
May all harmful karma be dissolved and the mind flower bloom in eternal spring.
May our sangha and communities be peaceful and harmonious.
May the citizens of our land be safe and content.
May our nation’s leaders be filled with goodness, wisdom and courage.
May peace prevail in our communities.
May peace prevail in the nation.
May peace prevail on earth.
May our joyful practice radiate a vast and compassionate mind for all beings.