Friday, March 8, 2024

Winter Practice Period -In progress!


Shao Shan Temple is currently in the midst of a Winter Practice Period. 

The Practice Period is designed to provide an opportunity for sangha members to make a individual commitment to intensive practice during these several weeks. We began with an opening ceremony on March 1st. This is our third annual March Practice Period.

The theme for this year's Practice Period is Eihei Dogen Zenji's “Genjo Koan” and during this time, we chant it in whole or part in one of the Temple programs most every day. Several of the Dharma Talks are being offered by visiting teachers

Rev. Seiso Paul Cooper - the first Dharma Talk 3/2/24

A special Saturday session on "Zen Forms & Roles"

Rev. Jisho Siebert's - online Genjo Koan Dharma Talk #2