Monday, October 16, 2023

Garden Closing - Work, Ceremony & Potluck

 On a October 14th, we gathered to for a garden work day, season-closing ceremony and a harvest potluck.  The weather was perfect for garden work- neither too sunny, nor too rainy; neither too hot, nor too cold.  Many hands pulled carrots, beets and rutabagas and filled wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of withering by-gone vegetable plants and weeds.  Work time was followed by a Garden-Closing Ceremony - expressing gratitude for all that had made the garden possible and apologies to all beings harmed in the gardening process. A yummy Harvest Potluck (lots of coleslaw!) around the fire (with s'mores!) was enjoyed by all.

Izzy & the harvest - beets, carrots, celery and more

The Garden-closing ceremony

The Harvest Potluck (lots of coleslaw!)

Preparing the ground for next year