Monday, July 31, 2023

Rev. Gyokei July 29,30, 2023

 Shao Shan Temple was honored to host Rev. Gyokei Yokoyama this past weekend.  Rev. Gyokei visited Shao Shan Temple as a representative of the Soto Zen Order (he is Secretary of the Soto Zen Buddhism North America Office) as part of his tour of a number of Soto Temples in the Northeast.

On Saturday Rev. Gyokei gave Saturday's Dharma Talk which was followed by the monthly social time and on Sunday there was a special session (also available online) of meditation, Dharma Talk, and potluck lunch.  In his Dharma Talks he spoke about Keizan Zenji in light of this coming year's 700th anniversary of Keizan's passing and also about the recent 100th anniversary of Soto Zen in North America.  One sangha member commented that after Rev. Gyokei's talks, "Japan no longer seems so far away."