Monday, June 12, 2023

Beavers and Boats - June Family Program

For this month’s Family Program, the children learned about the qualities of patience and persistence while exploring the area around Connie’s Pond, where some very busy beavers have been building a lodge and enormous dam. 

We learned about the interplay between the beavers and the road crew, in which the beavers keep trying to dam up the culverts under the road, while the road crew keeps on taking out the dams, and the beavers build them right back up. 

We discussed how we all have setbacks in our lives, and we always have the opportunity to take a breath and try again. 

The children then experimented with building boats out of natural materials. Some of the attempts sunk, while others could hold small rocks above the

We offered a bit of our snack to the fish in the pond, standing quietly while they nibbled away, before returning to the Temple grounds for our own snack. 

We ended with some Temple time in the zendo, where we listened to the bell, the ravens, and our own minds and hearts.