Monday, November 7, 2022

November Introduction Program and Jukai

 There were several special programs on this wonderfully unseasonably warm, nearly full moon, daylight-savings-time-change weekend.  

On Friday evening was an Introduction to Shao Shan Temple program.  Nine new people participated in an evening program with an introduction to the Temple's history and programs, a tour around the inside of the building, a introductory guided meditation and a time for questions.

On Saturday morning following the usual Saturday program was a  Jukai (Precept) Ceremony was for several of Taihaku-Roshi's students who have chosen to officially establish a teacher-student relationship with Kenzan also. Although essentially a private ceremony, this was also open to other sangha members as an opportunity to support Antei, Jozen and Doshin and to inwardly renew their own intentions.