Friday, March 25, 2022

Winter Practice Period 2022

From March 2 - 22, Shao Shan Temple immersed itself in a Winter Practice Period. 

The Practice Period was designed to provide an opportunity for sangha members to make a special commitment to practice during these three weeks. Rev. Kenzan added additional opportunities for extended sitting,  experiencing new chants, discussions, and learning new roles or forms during Practice Period services.  During Zoom programs, sangha members were encouraged to experiment with joining sittings and services with video on. Having the video on can increase both the sense of community support and responsibility. 

The theme for the Practice Period was the “Song of the Precious Mirror Samadhi,” a 9th century Chinese poem which is a core Soto Zen text and is chanted every other day in Monasteries in Japan. The study group discussions focused on this text and it was chanted on Wednesday mornings and at the end of the late afternoon sittings.  Readers can find the text of the poem here: Song of the Precious Mirror Samadhi (and in Japanese). 

Sangha members were very appreciative of Rev. Kenzan’s efforts to make this revitalizing program available.