Installation Ceremony for ShaoShan Temple’s 2nd Abbot
A ceremony (online & in-person) officially installing Rev. Kenzan Seidenberg as Shao Shan Temple’s 2nd Abbot was held on December 1st, 2021 at the temple. The evening ceremony began with the offering of sweet tea, incense, candlelight, delicacies, and chants. A statement from the sangha expressing gratitude for his leadership and support for upholding and protecting the sangha’s practice and the wonderful jewel that is Shao Shan Temple was read. With joy, reverence, and deepest gratitude the sangha recognized the first day of Rohatsu 2021 as the day Rev. Kenzan formally accepted the Abbotship of Shao Shan Temple. Sangha members then presented Rev. Taihaku’s Dharma Implements to Rev. Kenzan. The gesture symbolized that Rev. Taihaku’s lineage would continue through her Dharma heir, Rev. Kenzan. In one of the most moving parts of the ceremony, Rev. Taihaku’s meditation chair was then carried from the zendo. Rev. Kenzan spoke of Rev. Taihaku's presence in him, as he received her Dharma implements and the duties of Shao Shan Temple’s 2nd abbot. The opening ceremony for the 2021 Rohatsu Sesshin followed the Installation Ceremony.