Monday, February 8, 2021

Annual Meeting 2021

Shao Shan Temple's Annual Meeting
 took place on Sunday, February 7th - this year in the form of a zoom meeting.  While most of our programs are focused on matters of spiritual practice; this program is different in that it focuses on the administrative and functional aspects of Shao Shan Temple - the ground of how the Temple functions and moves forward.   

This year, we introduced and welcomed the new Soto Zen Council - Rev. Ejo McMullen of Buddha Eye Temple, Eugene, OR and Rev. Jisho Siebert of Zen Fields, Ames, IA.  With gratitude to both of them on their willingness to join Shao Shan Temple in this role.

The Annual Meeting participants had the opportunity to review the Sangha Report, Program Report, Cemetery Report and the Financial Report and ask questions or offer feedback.  The meeting was joyful and engaged and finished early.

A summary of the meeting will be included in the next newsletter.