On February 7 the Shao Shan Temple Sangha gathered online to
attend the 2021 Annual Meeting. Present were Board members Taihaku,
Kenzan, Stella, Noah, Judy, and Max. Seventeen other practitioners were also
present. Invited guests included Rev. Ejo
McMullen, Abbot of Buddha Eye Zen Community Temple in Eugene, Oregon and Rev.
Jisho Sara Siebert, a teacher from the Zen Fields Temple in Ames, Iowa. Rev. Ejo and Rev. Jisho are the two members
of the newly established Shao Shan Temple Soto Zen Council.
Taihaku opened the meeting by welcoming the group and introducing
the Board. She reported that during the
past year the Board had been working on several new policies which are
mentioned in the 2020 Annual Report. Key
among those revisions was a new set of detailed Bylaws and the Soto Zen Council
Taihaku explained that the impetus for the Council evolved from
her interest in transferring the temple lands to the Shao Shan Temple, Inc. organization. She wanted to ensure the future of the temple
by linking the Shao Shan Organization to the mission, values, and viewpoint of
the Soto Zen Order.
The Council is comprised of two teacher-level ordained Soto Zen
priests who have agreed to serve on the Council to support and guide Shao Shan
Temple when or if the occasion arises.
For example, if the Shao Shan Temple Board needs help searching for a
new Abbot or if there is a conflict that cannot be resolved internally, the
Council members are there to guide and support the temple through a difficult
time. The Council helps to keep Shao
Shan Temple closely aligned with the Soto Zen Order, of which Shao Shan is a
Because of the geographic location of our temple, we have no
nearby sister temples. This Council is a
means for our temple to have close relationships with other Soto Zen temples,
even though they are at a distance. This
Council is like “godparents” or a “trust” which stands behind our temple. The Council might serve as a model for other
small temples in the future. Embedded within our new Bylaws, there are
“triggers” which would initiate the involvement of the Council. The Board has confidence that the temple now
has a strong organizational structure in place that will prepare the temple for
the future.
Rev. Jisho |
Rev. Ejo |
The 2020 Temple Reports were distributed by email prior to the meeting.
The Board took questions on the Sangha Report, Program Report,
Buildings & Grounds Report, Cemetery Report, Financial Report, and
Organizational Report.
Highlights of the reports include:
Thirty-four practitioners at the temple have either received the
first five precepts or are formal students.
Despite the temporary closure of
the temple because of the pandemic, participation at temple programs remains
steady and has even increased for the Saturday morning program.
On average, 14 practitioners attend the
new Daily Meditation Program at 7:00 am.
The priests were thanked for their efforts to provide online programming
quickly and consistently for the sangha.
During 2020, the Board has either developed or reviewed five major
temple policies.
Income from donations in 2020 exceeded the total budget for the
year. As a result, the Board was able to make a contribution to the
temple’s Endowment Fund, which helps support priests and the temple in the
People were especially generous in this year’s Alms Round. There
were 46 donations associated with the 2020 Alms Round. Of these donations, 22 were from people who
participate regularly, and 24 donations were from people who care about the
temple but attend infrequently. There
were three new monthly pledges this year.
There are now 15 people
donating on a monthly basis.
Taihaku reported that she is in the process of making the final
arrangements for the land transfer. The land surveys, subdivisions,
applications, review by Act 250, and town and environmental permits have all
been completed. The new Bylaws and Soto
Zen Council were the final steps in the preparations. Attorneys for Taihaku and the Shao Shan
Temple Organization have been contacted and are reviewing the paperwork.
Taihaku reported that the Board did not know at this point when
the temple would open again for in-person programs. The Board will refer to
federal and state health guidelines, risk factors among the sangha, and their
level of vaccinations, before making that decision.
The initial estimate for the 2021 budget is $30,000, which
includes buildings and grounds, maintenance, repair, and improvements.
As the temple buildings
age, it is to be expected that there may be increased maintenance costs. The
focus of the 2021 improvement budget will be on maintaining the existing buildings.
At some point, it will be necessary to replace the temple roof.
More details regarding the Financial Report appear later in this
issue of the newsletter. Please contact
Shao Shan Temple at if you have any questions
or would like additional information regarding the 2020 Annual Reports.
Participants were invited to offer any feedback regarding the
temple, its policies, or its programs.
Sangha participants suggested:
It would be nice to have some socially-distanced outside programs
including work practice when the weather gets better.
We would appreciate receiving electronic copies of the new Bylaws
and the Soto Zen Council Policy as well as links to Rev. Ejo and Rev. Jisho’s
temple websites. (Note: These have been sent to formal students and are
available to others on request.)
It was suggested that
perhaps there should be a stipend for the priests. Though there is an Endowment
Fund that will eventually help support priests in the future, it might be
prudent to create a line item in the budget for support of the priests.
It is important for the Daily Online Meditation Program to
continue after the pandemic. There was
considerable support for this idea among attendees.
The priests were thanked for their willingness to facilitate the
development of the temple’s organizational structure to include a Board of
Directors and policies which embody best practices for religious organizations
and nonprofits.
There was interest in developing programs in the future which
included Rev. Ejo and Rev. Jisho.
Taihaku and Kenzan thanked everyone in attendance for their active
and lively participation.
The meeting adjourned at approximately
3:45 PM.