This year, due to covid-19, Shao Shan Temple's New Year's Eve Ceremony/Celebration was held online. Following meditation, we watched together a Temple "Year-in-Review" slideshow accompanied by chanting.
We rang bells at one minute intervals, experiencing the length of one minute. We reflected on the past year and then burned the reflections in a purification fire.
A spirit of warm connection joined us together as we enter this new year of 2021.
we enter the year of the Ox, 2021;
May we all rededicate our hearts and minds to our clearest aspirations.
May our effort in this new year be well-rooted in practice that it may grow and flower into joyful and compassionate mind for ourselves and all beings.
May the tender radiance of the Buddhas fill our hearts and minds.
May our actions be guided by the wisdom and compassion of the wondrous Dharma.