Monday, December 7, 2020

Rohatsu Sesshin- online retreat weekend

 The Rohatsu Sesshin is a meditation retreat held annually at Shao Shan Temple the first week in December.  This is a time of concentrated practice to commemorate Shakyamuni Buddha’s enlightenment upon seeing the morning star.

This year, Rohatsu Sesshin was online and abbreviated to the weekend - December 4th - 6th, with each day focused on sitting and walking meditation.  Each afternoon included a dharma talk -- this year the series of talks was based on the Seven Factors of Awakening.

Sitting Meditation

Closing Congratulations 

Zazen seat

Dharma Talk

The Seven Factors of Awakening: 
Mindfulness, Investigation, Effort, Joy, Tranquility, Concentration, Equanimity.