Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Zazenkai on the "Universally Recommended Instructions for Zazen"

 Sunday, November 15th, was an online 1/2 day meditation retreat (Zazankai).  

The theme for this month's Zazenkai was Dogen Zenji's Fukanzazengi - "Universally Recommended Instructions for Zazen".  The day's program included opening& closing ceremonies, zazen, kinhin(walking meditation), readings from the Fukanzazengi and a Dharma Talk on the topic.

You have gained the pivotal opportunity of human form. Do not pass your days and nights in vain. You are taking care of the essential activity of the buddha-way. Who would take wasteful delight in the spark from a flintstone? Besides, form and substance are like the dew on the grass, the fortunes of life like a dart of lightning --emptied in an instant, vanished in a flash.

Please, honored followers of Zen, long accustomed to groping for the elephant, do not doubt the true dragon. Devote your energies to the way of direct pointing at the real. Revere the one who has gone beyond learning and is free from effort. Accord with the enlightenment of all the buddhas; succeed to the samadhi of all the ancestors. Continue to live in such a way, and you will be such a person. The treasure store will open of itself, and you may enjoy it freely.

                     excerpt from Dogen Zenji's Fukanzazengi - "Universally Recommended Instructions for Zazen"