Monday, September 14, 2020

Three Questions - children's program

Characters playing out The Three Questions story - the boy(doll), heron(turkey), monkey and dog

For this month's Children's Program (9/12/20) we shared our observations of nature as summer turns to fall (porcupines, colorful leaves, colder nights, shorter days, garden harvests...) and checked in on our sunflowers in full bloom, which we planted back in April. We then talked about the Temple's 20th anniversary celebration the following day, and the tradition of mondo, in which students formally ask questions of the teacher at the celebration. We read and acted out the book The Three Questions by Jon Muth (adapted from the short story of the same name by Leo Tolstoy), in which the main character seeks to learn about what is most important in life.

Taihaku greeting everyone at the beginning of the Children's Program