Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Peace Day - Autumn Equinox
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Online Introduction Program - Sept 20
Today, Sunday, September 20th, Shao Shan Temple hosted its second online version of the Introduction/Open House program.
The program included information about the Temple, summary of the current online programs offered, a video "tour", introduction to meditation and services and a chance for participants to introduce themselves and ask questions. Julie participated as Sangha representative and there were 6 new people in attendance.
The next Introduction program is scheduled for Nov. 29.
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Anniversary Intention Ribbons
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
20th Anniversary Ceremony + Zazenkai (online)
This year is Shao Shan Temple's 20th anniversary since the Opening Ceremony on Sept 13, 2000. To commemorate this occasion, on this past Sunday, September 13, 2020, Shao Shan Temple hosted an online Zazenkai (Meditation Retreat) and Anniversary Ceremony/Celebration.
From 8am to 11am was the Zazenkai portion of the program with sitting and walking meditation.
Zazenkai |
The Anniversary Ceremony was then heralded by a Conch resounding from East Hardwick, VT followed by a drum roll echoing from Danville,VT. The ceremony began with the Heart Sutra and a formal offering of tea & delicacies to the sounds of Baika music (Buddhist melodies born out of the influence of the natural features of and life in Japan).
Offering of Tea & Delicacies |
This was followed by the ancient tradition of Mondo where several Formal Students asked Shao Shan Temple's Abbot, Rev. Taihaku, a question, which she in the moment considered deeply and responded to.
Judy asking Mondo question of Rev. Taihaku |
The theme of the Anniversary ceremony is re-dedication . Re-dedication of the Temple and re-dedication of ourselves to our highest intention. All those interested then had the option to share their intention.
Option to share highest intention |
Rev. Taihaku's closing dedication |
Monday, September 14, 2020
Three Questions - children's program
Characters playing out The Three Questions story - the boy(doll), heron(turkey), monkey and dog |
For this month's Children's Program (9/12/20) we shared our observations of nature as summer turns to fall (porcupines, colorful leaves, colder nights, shorter days, garden harvests...) and checked in on our sunflowers in full bloom, which we planted back in April. We then talked about the Temple's 20th anniversary celebration the following day, and the tradition of mondo, in which students formally ask questions of the teacher at the celebration. We read and acted out the book The Three Questions by Jon Muth (adapted from the short story of the same name by Leo Tolstoy), in which the main character seeks to learn about what is most important in life.
Taihaku greeting everyone at the beginning of the Children's Program |
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Hand made Protection Amulets
The below series of photos shows the amulets' creation. The artwork of Shao Shan Temple was done by Taihaku. The amulets were first designed, printed and cut to size. Each one then had the "protection" Japanese kanji character individually handwritten on it. They were laminated, cut again, then a hole punched and the gold cord tied on.
Handwriting "Protection" characters |
laminating |
Cutting laminated |