Sunday, April 26, 2020

"Welcoming the Unwelcome" mini-seminar

"Welcoming the Unwelcome" - this phrase describes a challenge of our current world and is also the title of the latest book by Pema Chodron.  On Sunday, April 26th, Shao Shan Temple had a mini-online-seminar on this topic.  The mini-seminar included meditation, readings from Pema Chodron's book and discussion.  The active discussion focused on how can we bring these teachings to life in right now.

The time we live in is a fertile ground for training in being open-minded and open-hearted.  If we can learn to hold this falling apart-ness without polarizing and becoming fundamentalist, then whatever we do today will have a positive effect on the future.

Pema Chodron in Welcoming the Unwelcome