Saturday, March 14, 2020

Senate Devotional - March 11th

Shao Shan Temple priests (Taihaku and Kenzan) have been asked on occasion to give a brief Senate Devotional at the Vermont State Senate in Montpelier. On Tuesday, March 11th,2020, Kenzan offered the following at the start of the day’s legislative session.

In these times when many are fearful, with fear for health, finances, or safety,
may we find within a place of stability both for ourselves and to be a support to others. 

In these times of fear,
may we find within a stable, centered core.
May this stable core enable us to evaluate with clarity
With unclouded mind determining the best courses of action.
Seeing clearly the facts
Seeing clearly the possibilities
Seeing clearly the interconnectedness

In these times of fear,
may we find within a stable, centered core.
May this centered core enable us to act with lovingkindness
With kindness to those we encounter
With care for those who are anxious
With compassion for those who are suffering

In these times of fear,
may we find within a stable, centered core.
May this stable core enable us to be open in the face of the unknown
Open to respond to ever changing circumstances
Open to others as potential helpers
Open to be flexible
In these times of fear,
may we find within a stable, centered core.

Upright in the midst of turbulence
Steady in the face of storms
Helpful in the case of need

A strength that can afford to be kind
A stability that can afford to be flexible
A calm that can afford to be present
-          even here, even now, in these times of fear.

May we find within a stable, centered core.