Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Summer Mini-Practice-Period - July 25-28

 Thanks to all who participated in creating an inspirational, joyful, productive mini summer practice period at Shao Shan Temple.  There was strong sangha participation in several days of monastic schedule including meditation, services, meals and work practice.  
One participant shared that he experience "work as practice" for the first time as part of this experience.


Work Circle
The Garden

Meal preparation

Little Hall carpentry


At the end of the Mini-Practice Period was a 5-Precept ceremony for Jake Burke (accompanied by a dramatic thunderstorm). 

Monday, July 22, 2019

Summer Weather Family Program

At July's Children's Program (July 20th) we celebrated summer and the weather. We explored the similarities between the weather we experience around us and the 'weather' we experience inside. We discussed how the external weather is beyond our control, and yet there are many things we can do to make the best of, or at least accept, whatever weather presents itself in the moment. Similarly, the shifting landscape of our moods and feelings are also often beyond our control, and yet we have choice about how we respond to them. After a 'weather' meditation, we explored the Shao Shan property in search of wild strawberries and wild mint, and then made mint ice tea to share at snack time.

Formal Student Gathering- July 14

[back row] ShaoRen(Enlightenment-Lotus), DoShin(Earth-Heart), KuKyoku(Sky-Melody),
JikiRin(Direct/Immediate – Forest/Monastery), AnTei(Peaceful-Garden), KinSho(Diligent-Illumination);
[front row] ChoGetsu(Serene-Moon), Rev. Taihaku, Rev. Kenzan, GenKyoku(Meadow-Melody)

The first formal student gathering took place on Sunday afternoon/evening, July 14th.  Approximately half of Rev. Taihaku's formal students were able to come for a time of meditation, learning to write their dharma names, and supper with informal discussion.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Temple Kitchen/Study Area/Bathroom Upgrade

During Shao Shan Temple's "Maintenance Week Break" (July 1-8) 
a number of improvements were made to the Temple 
  • The floor of the kitchen/study are was sanded and painted with 4 coats of polyurethane
  • Bathroom walls were sanded, primed and painted (these walls had never been painted!)
  • Kitchen counter was redone
  • Kitchen/study walls were repainted
  • Temple front deck was stained
  • Kitchen cupboard was repainted (take a look inside!)
  • All the trim and wainscoting in kitchen/study had a fresh coat of poly
  • Tables and cupboards and shelves got fresh coats of paint or poly
  • The rear entrance floor and the floor under the kitchen counter were painted

Temple Kitchen/Study room with furniture cleared out and fresh coat of poly

Public programs resumed in the clean sparkly space on July 9th!

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Jukai - Bodhisattva Vows - June 30, 2019

Shao Shan Temple
Sunday, June 30, 2019

The ancient formal ceremony of Jukai was held on Sunday.  This year Heather Kralik and Monica DiGiovanni made the commitment to become a formal students of Shao Shan Temple.  They received the 16 precepts, a Buddhist name and have become Taihaku’s students.

Susan Stitely, Clara Bruns, and Amy Koenigbauer received the first five Bodhisattva precepts and made their commitment to a Buddhist way of life.

This ceremony was an occasion for the families and friends of those receiving the precepts and Sangha members to join together in support of the commitment that Heather, Monica, Susan, Clara and Amy are entering. 

Thanks to all who joined in a spirit of renewal and intentions which support a life beneficial for all.