Monday, March 18, 2019

Taihaku's March trip to Japan

Rev. Taihaku (left) and Docho-roshi(right)
 at the Shinzanshiki Ceremony at Shao Shan Temple in 2013
Rev. Taihaku recently returned from a brief trip to Japan in order to visit her teacher: Shinkai Tanaka Roshi (Dochosan).  Dochosan has been in the hospital since November following a serious stroke. 

Taihaku with brother monks at Seikoji in Kyoto,Japan
Taihaku visited him in the hospital in Osaka along with her brother monks.

Taihaku speaking at the Zazenkai(3/17) about her trip
Upon her return, Taihaku gave a Dharma Talk based on the experiences of the trip.  She spoke of the poignancy of being fully in the present while wholeheartedly greeting the incoming moment and simultaneously bowing in farewell to the departing moment.