Sunday, May 6, 2018

Spring Clean-up & Wagesa/Rakusu Sewing

There were a number of programs at Shao Shan Temple on Saturday, May 5th.  In addition to the usual Saturday morning program there was a half day Spring Cleanup Work Practice and Sewing for the Jukai ceremonies in July.

The snow has melted - exposing lots to do!  Those working on Spring Clean-up, raked the lawn, picked up sticks and worked on the new bee-yard.
Spring Clean-up

Those receiving the 5 precepts this year, came together to sew their own wagesa - prayerfully putting their aspiration and intention in with each stitch.  This year, Kathleen, Sarika, Brian and Dan will be receiving the 5 precepts.
Wagesa Sewing

Ongoing this winter/spring, has also been weekly Rakusu sewing.  This year. Hollie will be becoming a formal student.
Rakusu Sewing