Friday, December 8, 2017

Rohatsu Sesshin!

December 1st-8th was the Rohatsu Sesshin (Meditation Retreat) at Shao Shan Temple.
The Rohatsu Sesshin was a time of concentrated practice to commemorate
Shakyamuni Buddha’s enlightenment upon seeing the morning star.

This year's sesshin included zazen and kinhin (sitting & walking meditation) from 5:30am to 8:30pm, daily oryoki breakfast, daily dharma talks following the story of Buddha's life,  food offering walks, the possibility of Dokusan and delicious garden produce meals.

On the final morning, we hung above the altar, the scroll from Tendo Nyojo's monastery that Taihaku received from her teacher in Japan.

Dharma Talk
Kinhin (walking meditation)
The scroll from Tendo Nyojo's monastery