Monday, January 7, 2013

Formal Visit to Mt Equity Zendo - Dec. 17, 2012

Rev. Taihaku (right) pays a visit to Dai-en Osho(left)
at Mt. Equity Zendo.
 On Dec. 17th, 2012 Taihaku travelled down to Pennsdale, Pennsylvania to formally request Dai-En Bennage Osho to be Godo for the September 2013 Mountain Seat Ceremony.
Shao Shan Temple is grateful for the connection with Mt. Equity Zendo ( ).  The past two years, a small group from Shao Shan Temple has gone down to Mt. Equity Zendo to participate in their Summer Sesshin.  Dai-en Osho and her sangha have been a source of inspiration to the Shao Shan Temple Sangha.
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