Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sewing Sesshin - Jan 13th, 2013

 Today, a Sunday in the middle of January, a dedicated group came together at Shao Shan Temple for the first Sewing Sesshin. 
Together in silence we immersed ourselves in the stitch and the "Namu Kie Butsu" Mantra.

The day included a meal together and a brief talk by Rev. Taihaku.

Thanks to all who participated and made this day possible.


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First 2013 Temple Day - 1/11/13

Nancy sanding,
Roger&Noah working on ceiling strapping
 This past Friday, January 11th was the first Temple Day of the year.  An enthusiastic group gathered to be the life of Shao Shan Temple for the day - to sit together, have service together, work together and eat together.  One team worked in the Little Hall construction, while another team cleaned in the Zendo.
David & Kathleen cleaning the Zendo

Noah adding ceiling strapping

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Monday, January 7, 2013

Formal Visit to Mt Equity Zendo - Dec. 17, 2012

Rev. Taihaku (right) pays a visit to Dai-en Osho(left)
at Mt. Equity Zendo.
 On Dec. 17th, 2012 Taihaku travelled down to Pennsdale, Pennsylvania to formally request Dai-En Bennage Osho to be Godo for the September 2013 Mountain Seat Ceremony.
Shao Shan Temple is grateful for the connection with Mt. Equity Zendo ( ).  The past two years, a small group from Shao Shan Temple has gone down to Mt. Equity Zendo to participate in their Summer Sesshin.  Dai-en Osho and her sangha have been a source of inspiration to the Shao Shan Temple Sangha.
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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Eve Celebration 2013

A memorable New Year's Eve was made possible by the 30+ people who participated in the Shao Shan Temple New Year's Eve Ceremony & Celebration...

A blazing fire in the snow,

the path to Shao Shan Temple front door lit by tiki torches,

silent meditation time,

time for a year review - what we wish to contine, what we wish to refrain,


fire purification at the outdoor bonfire,

a dedication for the new "Little Hall" building's opening and first public use,

a festive, social time with bountiful refreshments,

ringing a circle of bells for 108 minutes,

steaming bowls of Japanese noodles & tempura after midnight

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