Saturday, August 31, 2024

Maintanence and Work August 2024

Painting the Temple stucco

This year, August was a "Summer Schedule" with special events on the weekends and without the usual weekday programs.  This allowed for several major maintanence projects to support and care for the Temple as it also supports and cares for us.


staining the siding

painting the altar

polyurathaning the altar

processing garlic

The first major project was a complete refinishing of the Temple altar - fresh polyurathane and paint - with the red & gold paint carefully matched to the original colors.  

The second major project was caring for the Temple building exterior - the stucco cracks were filled and all stucco painted, the wood siding stained and cracks around doors and windows were chalked.

Other work projects included processing garden harvest, touching up the Temple Sign, new shelves for meditation cushions, staining all the building decks, planting grass, and so on.

cleaning under the altar

A big thank you to all the Temple community members who helped with these and other projects over the past month.  

touching up the Temple sign

Temple cleaning after construction


Monday, August 26, 2024

Nature Spirit Pilgrimage 2024

On a perfect-weather late-summer day, we gathered at Shao Shan Temple to acknowledge and pay respect to the greater nature that supports our practice.  This included a modified version of a ceremony done in Japan for blessings in gratitude to the protecting Spirits of the Land.

We offered flowers, incense and chanting at multiple sites on the Temple land acknowledging the myriad ways - known and unknown that they support our practice.
Little woodland frogs, toads and newts greeted our path and bird songs accompanied our meditations.

The program included several short blocks of outside meditation and was followed by lunch including vegetables fresh from the Temple's The Leafye Garden.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Zen Summer Camp 2024


Rev. Jisho Dharma Talk
This year was our third Family-friendly Summer Practice Days (aka: "Zen Summer Camp") and it was again a fun and inspirational time of practice for participants of all ages.  Shao Shan was again honored to have the family of Rev. Jisho Siebert, Rev. Dashin McCabe and their two children be an integral part of the program.  

The program was preceded by a Dharma Talk by Rev. Jisho on Thursday on "Buddha's Instructions for Working with Anger."

Children making bread knives

Most of our programs are either oriented towards families or towards adults.  This several day period, August 9-11, of Temple Practice allowed all of the community to come together.  We began and ended each day with a Dharma song.  The program included a combination of activities for adults and children separately, and activities for the whole Temple Community together. 

Adults had time for meditation, discussions and an activity (Japanese calligraphy, sewing practice stretching exercises for meditation).

The children's activities were varied including a brief time each day inside the Temple, making a wooden breadknife, mindfulness games in nature and harvesting in the garden.

Children bringing back buckets of harvest from the garden

Daily lunchtime was followed by a food offering walk and closing circle.

Adults making small altar cloths
