Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Summer Sesshin (Meditation Retreat)

This year, we had a Summer Sesshin (Meditation Retreat) at Shao Shan Temple on July 19th - 22nd.  This is the first time in many years that we have held a meditation retreat in mid-summer and it was well-attended and accompanied by perfect weather.

For the Opening Ceremony, we did the RyakuFusatsu (Full Moon Bodhisattva Ceremony) - coincidently on a a full moon weekend.
Days of sitting and walking meditation were accompanied by birdsongs and cawing ravens.
Sunday morning included a Shosan Ceremony - Formal Question & Response, where every participant formally asked Rev. Kenzan a question.

Sunday's Formal Question & Response Ceremony

Shao Shan just before the early morning sitting

Meals in the screen house

Food Offering

Fresh garden veggies gathered for meals

Kitchen cooking & cleanup (thank you, Tenzo Shikan!)

Full moon over Little Sacred Mountain

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Water and mindfulness - July Family Program

For the July Family Program we stayed together as a whole group (kids and adults) and explored the many forms of water. We began by sharing things we had been noticing in the natural world, including birds, butterflies, heat, rain and flowers. 

We then read a poem from the book, Water is Water, by Miranda Paul, which illustrates the many forms water can take. We passed around a jar of water with sand in it, which we shook and watched the sand settle as we felt our breathing. We discussed how the water in the jar could be like our minds, and that often we prefer having a clear mind versus a muddy one. However, whether the water is clear or muddy, it is still water. In a similar way, whether our minds are busy or quiet, happy or sad, mind is still mind - awareness is awareness. 

Next, we went on an adventure to Connie's Pond, which is more of a river and mudflat than pond right now, since the beaver dam burst in a previous rainstorm. We also adventured to Laughing Brook, which has also changed quite a bit over the years. 

We ended with a group snack and mindful eating, followed by offering water from our adventures to the altar.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Jukai - Bodhisattva Vows - July 7, 2024

 Shao Shan Temple
Sunday, July 7, 2024

The ancient formal ceremony of Jukai was held on Sunday.  This year Caleb Lesher made the commitment to become a formal student of Shao Shan Temple.  He received the 16 precepts, a Buddhist name and has become Kenzan’s student.  
Caleb's Dharma Name is SHIN-GEN meaning "Field of Faith".  

This ceremony was an occasion for the families and friends of those receiving the precepts and Sangha members to join together in support of the commitment that Caleb is entering.  It was followed by light refreshments.

Thanks to all who joined in a spirit of renewal and intentions which support a life beneficial for all.