On Saturday, June 24 the Shao Shan Temple Community met to discuss the status of the temple, now that the 49-day period of official mourning for Taihaku had ended. Some Sangha members participated in person in the Sangha Hall and others participated via Zoom. Kenzan opened the meeting with a brief report regarding succession plans, preparations for Taihaku’s formal funeral in September, a financial update, temple programming, and matters related to the transfer of Taihaku’s land to the Shao Shan Temple non-profit organization. A question-and-answer period followed. Members of the sangha asked a variety of questions ranging from new programming, to how best to support Kenzan and the temple. It was clear from the discussion that the sangha was fully supportive of Kenzan’s leadership and together were ready to begin a new chapter in Taihaku’s 700-year plan for Shao Shan. Thank you to those who provided light refreshments for the meeting.