Sunday, June 20, 2021
Temple Garden Team
Sunday, June 13, 2021
Resuming in-person programs!
Children's Program - remembering Taihaku
For this month's Children's Program, we honored and remembered our beloved teacher, Taihaku. We first shared some of our nature experiences of this verdant late spring, many of which aptly revolved around the growth of our gardens. We then read and acted out the beautiful book Always Remember, written by Cece Meng and illustrated by Jago. The story tells of Old Turtle, who has taken her last swim, and of the ocean animals who each remembered how she has touched their lives.
The final page of the book reads:
"[S]he was a wonderful teacher and friend.[S]he loved to laugh and have fun.[S]he explored the unknown and discovered great things.[S]he showed kindness and strength.And [s]he made the world a better place.When Old Turtle died, the ocean took [her] back.But what [s]he left behind was only the beginning."
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
Memorial Service for Rev. Taihaku Nishiren Priest
On Sunday, May 30, a memorial service for Rev. Taihaku
Nishiren Priest, Founding Abbot, was held at Shao Shan Temple. Her family, members of the temple Sangha,
many friends, and the ravens nesting on the property attended the outdoor
ceremony, which was the first public, in-person ceremony held at the temple
since the pandemic began.
Rev. Ejo McMullen, Abbot of the Buddha Eye Zen Community
Temple in Eugene, Oregon and Rev. Kenzan Seidenberg, Shao Shan Temple’s Vice-Abbot,
led the services. Rev. Ejo is the Shao
Shan Temple Soto Zen Council Representative.
As Council Representative he came to the Temple to assist and support
Rev. Kenzan and the Sangha after Rev. Taihaku’s unexpected death on May
24. We are deeply grateful to Rev. Ejo
for his assistance at this difficult time.
The ceremony included chants venerating the Buddha and the
founding Abbot of Shao Shan. Eben Broadbent,
Rev. Taihaku’s son, delivered a touching and comforting eulogy. Members of the family, Sangha, and the
community were invited to share their memories of Rev. Taihaku and her
teachings, offer incense, and participate in a procession around the temple
accompanied by bells, cymbals, the trumpeting of a conch, and the beat of
drums. Rev. Kenzan offered words of
remembrance and encouragement to close the ceremony.
Following the ceremony refreshments were provided by the
family and all joined in fellowship to remember Taihaku’s life among us.
Thank you to Rev. Taihaku’s family and all of the volunteers who worked to prepare for the memorial.
A formal Buddhist Funeral which may include abbots and monks from North America and Japan will be held in the fall.
Taihaku Nichiren Daiosho
crowned mountain
outside light
be found.
thick white heart
and dancing
cow today
dog tomorrow
the pupil of Gautama’s Eye
is how it feels
the Sun
- Rev. Ejo McMullen 5/30/21