Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Great Wisdom Prayer - from Eiheiji, Japan

For relief from the pandemic, recovery from illness


Good fortune, safety in the home and safety on the road

Daihonzan Eiheiji

(translation of the card)

Shao Shan Temple just received the above prayer card from Eiheiji Monastery - one of the head Soto Zen Temples in Japan.  We share with you, our dear sangha, this prayer and the below accompanying letter.


A prayer for life-threatening times

 By Fukuyama Taiho, The Abbot of Daihonzan Eiheiji

In the 21st century our world seemed through globalization to have achieved so much in progress and development. Now, in a short period of time, a virus has spread over the entire  earth, revealing a fragility we had not imagined.
Struck by the force of this hitherto unknown infectious disease, called the novel
coronavirus, many people all over the world - despite the efforts of medical personnel risking themselves on the front lines - have become ill and have lost their precious lives.
Furthermore, many are living daily in invisible fear of the spread of viral infections. In such "life-threatening times", it is probably  not only old priests like  myself  who ponder  the  fragility of human beings.
However , looking back on history , we see that life-threatening times are not only a modern affair. There have always been conflicts, violence and natural disasters. As for illnesses as well, we have repeatedly faced plagues of infectious diseases, and each time human beings have concentrated their wisdom and power to overcome them.
Zen Master Doge n, the founder of Eiheiji, taught that, "The realm of birth and death is the life of Buddha." This teaching means, "This life, received in this world of inconceivable interdependent affinities, must be lived to the fullest - as the life of Buddha."
If our progressive and prosperous modern society, with its emphasis of quantity,
'                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ' .
convenience, and speed, is concerned about overcoming this crisis, we must look at our lives in
the light of coexistence and interdependence and transform our lives into the life of Buddha. In order to do this, we must return to the fundamental matter of how to live our lives.
Humankind has always found light in the darkness. Now, precisely because we are in a difficult situation, we are able to abandon our self-centered thinking and desires, put our hearts together as one, join hands and, using the Buddha Dharma as a light, cross through the darkness the spread of this disease has caused.
At Eiheiji, at the Kosodaishi·hoon·hoe ("Dharma Assembly Ceremonies, Expressing Gratitude to the Eminent Ancestor Zen Master Dogen") from April 23 to 29, we dedicated our wisdom in order to transform  these great difficulties into small difficulties and  to pray that the world return to peace. We hope with all our hearts that in all countries this pandemic will pass, that people will recover from their illnesses, and the spirits of those who have lost their precious lives will be at peace.

May we join our hearts and walk forward together as people who enjoy their lives as the  "life of the Buddha".

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Summer Solstice - June 21

On a bright clear-skied perfect Vermont summer day, we joined together virtually to mark the occasion of the longest day.  The Summer Solstice Ceremony included readings and chants focused on Light and Lovingkindness.  Rev. Taihaku spoke about the original bow - acknowledging our place here between the sky and earth and touching our head to the ground in gratitude.  Participants had the opportunity to share a poem or other reflection on the occasion.

May all Awakened Beings manifest their luminous miracle wisdom.
May the light of goodness dispel the darkness of illusion.
May we recognize the ever-changing nature of the Universe , mindful of the transience of each moment.
On this longest day of the year, we have gathered to mark the turning of the season.  Knowing that Earth, Grass, Trees and all Beings engage in Buddha’s intimate activity, we give thanks for the abundant golden gifts and benefits we have received.
Through light and dark may the wheel of Buddhadharma turn endlessly

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Repentance Ceremony

Purification, Recognition, Repentance & Atonement Ceremony
These turbulent times have resulted from centuries and lifetimes of oppression and mistreatment.  In grief over the recent events, we came together virtually on Sunday, June 14th to acknowledge the collective responsibility for the oppressive systems and to look with honesty at our own hearts and minds.
The ceremony included an abbreviated Ryakufusatsu (“Full Moon Bodhisattva Ceremony”).  Several participants shared their own reflections/repentance.  There will be an optional time to share this.

" Gathered here today ... we pledge to face, acknowledge, understand and hold the weight of our collective karma so that we may practice and teach with clarity, vulnerability, and honesty. ...  As individuals, as a sangha, and on behalf of all who came before us, we atone for our participation in all systems that perpetuate domination, violence, greed, disrespect, and unfairness. [May we overcome] these forces in ourselves and in the world for the benefit of all sentient beings, victims as well as perpetrators. ... [chanting] the verses of repentance and renewing our vows in the Full Moon Ceremony, we bow in reverence, sorrow, and determination to overcome and heal the forces that cause such pain, for ending suffering within and without is the Dharma’s true Gateway, the Buddha’s True Heart. "
Excerpt from Soto Zen Buddhist Association's "Statement of Recognition and Repentance"

Monday, June 15, 2020

Ok to be Different- Children's Program

For this month's Children's Program (6/13/2020), we explored the theme of differences and similarities. We first shared things we had observed in the natural world that were different from when we last met, such as hatched baby robin chicks, growing sunflowers, yellow butterflies, and giant snapping turtles. We then read and acted out the book It's Okay to be Different by Todd Parr. We explored how we all are different from each other in some ways, and yet we all have things in common, such as having feelings, wanting to be happy, and not wanting to suffer. We then listened to the big bell and closed with a group Om.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Thriving wetland residents

As spring begins to turn to summer, the wetlands surrounding Shao Shan Temple are teaming with life.  Beavers sculpt the landscape into terraced ponds thriving with geese, ducks, turtles and frogs.  (and black flies, mosquitoes, deer flies, ...)

Whenever we cast bread upon the water,
may we be mindful of the countless creatures who depend upon this water to survive.
Let us be good stewards of our water resources
for the benefit of all beings.
        Poem written for the Food Offering spot near the beaver dam 
        by Nancy Schultz 2019 Nature Retreat

Friday, June 5, 2020

In-person individual meetings

 As one of our first opportunities to return in-person to Shao Shan Temple, we are scheduling times for Shao Shan Temple regular participants to come for an individual time of meditation and meeting with Taihaku and/or Kenzan.

The meditation and meeting times take place in a screen gazebo set up outside the front of the Temple (black flies!) with face masks.

Welcome back!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Prayer for today

In these times of fear, anger and unrest, 
may we give to all those we meet or think about, 
the gift of respect, the gift of caring, the gift of fearlessness.  

May we see each person, being and thing as a shining jewel in the vast web of interconnectedness.  
Recognizing that we are not separate, 
recognizing that each has the spark of Buddha Nature.

May there be peace in the nation.  
Peace born of safety.  
Peace born of mutual respect and care.  
Peace born of lovingkindness.

Monday, June 1, 2020

New Shao Shan Temple Board Meets

The organizational aspects of Shao Shan Temple have matured in corresponse to the growth and needs of the Sangha.  As such, it has been necessary to have more complete and detailed Bylaws.  These were just recently approved.  Also new Board members have been elected to include several committed Formal Students of Shao Shan Temple.  The new Board will  continue defining and detailing Shao Shan Temple’s policies and guidelines.

Existing board members Taihaku and Kenzan welcome new Board Members: 
           Stella (Shaoren) Marrie
           Noah (Jikirin) Weinstein
           Max (Kinsho) Schlueter

With sincere gratitude also to the exiting Board Members, Anne Lynn and John Klee, for their nearly 15 years of service in support of Shao Shan Temple.  Thank you.